Monday, March 12, 2007

Starting the week....

Monday. It's back to the grind today. At-least for Ty. Not so much for me. Most of our days are pretty much the same for Luke and I...days melt into one another and the only thing that separates the weekdays from the week-END is Ty's presence at home. We love weekends for that reason! I guess its back to the 'grind' for me too though. Back to the laundry, errand running, grocery shopping and keeping up on the household chores. Ya know....normal life stuff. I try to avoid as much of those things that I can on the weekends to free our time up for more fun things.

Speaking of fun things....our dinner for Ty's birthday on Saturday night was really yummy! We had a nice time and I gorged myself on yet another fantastic fillet! :) Mmmmmm! We had an early dinner and the weather in the desert was so warm that we (Ty's friends, brother, Ty and I) opted to head across to the Yard House afterwards for some drinks (for them, not me of-course!) and to meet my sister and her friends for a bit. It was fun! We got home just after 11pm....err 12 if you're including the time change in that, and I think I fell asleep before my head hit the pillow. Boy! I'm just not used to staying up much after 10 these days! :) This baby has a pretty routine bedtime, that's for sure! :) Speaking of's her/his most recent picture:
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15 weeks. Like I've said before, in this second pregnancy my body has 'surrendered' much easier and now I'm seeing my belly grow at a much faster rate! It's fun! I like watching it grow. Now we just have to make sure it's my belly that grows and not so much the rest of me! :) I really want to stay in better shape this time around, both for my health and the baby's! So far, so good. I've been able to continue walking and getting moderate exercise pretty regularly this time around, whereas I hardly had the energy to do so with Luke, and I was encouraged last night to realize that at this point in my pregnancy with Luke I was already 7 lbs heavier than I am now. To date, my net gain is 5 lbs even. That's not too bad. Pretty much right on track for the 30-35 lbs my OB recommends that I gain.

Moving on.....
Ty and I did end up taking that hike I had talked about yesterday morning. We popped Luke (who was decked out in his cute new sunglasses and baseball cap) into the backpack and hit the trail around 9:30. It's a local trail; one that we had never been on before, and we really didn't know what to expect. It was actually kind-of a butt-kicker, and halfway through we were both huffing and puffing our way through the switchbacks. Don't worry, we took it slow! I'm very careful to make sure my heart rate stays steady and within the Dr.'s limits and that I stay in tune with my body. Ty and I both laughed at how out of shape we felt though! But with a 27+ pound child strapped to his back and me being pregnant, we had good excuses! :) We ended up turning around before we made it to the end...wherever that was....and made it back to the car about 2 hours after we started. It was fantastic to be outside though, getting some exercise together! The weather was warm (kinda hot, really!) and afterwards we drove down to Redlands for smoothies. Mmmm! :) We drove by an old family friend's house for a visit after that and then headed home to spend the remainder of the afternoon organizing the garage. A full day! Lots of fresh air, sunshine (I actually got kinda burned...oops!) and hard work! Loved it!

Our week ahead is kinda empty at this point. Not much on our calendar as I sit to type. Maybe a few trips to the park or maybe we'll just stay home and finally take a stab at this whole potty training thing that I've been putting off. We'll see. I'm a little nervous to begin that whole process, not for fear that Luke isn't ready, I think he is, but for fear of change mostly. I'm not sure I'M ready for it yet! Ha! But I know I need to allow plenty of time for training before the baby comes. I really want it to be well-established before the end of summer. Again....we'll see.

With that, I am off to get a start on my day. Happy Monday!

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