Thursday, February 28, 2008


Just a quick update on my neighbor Tabitha. First off, thank you to all of you who have prayed for her. I know that she appreciates that, and we all know how effective prayer is! God is so good! Tabitha is actually home now on bedrest..or a modified version of it anyway. No working (other than on her laptop from home), no driving, and lots of taking it easy until Baby 'cooks' a bit longer. Her bleeding and contractions have abated for now...thankfully! So....all is well in that arena. But those of you who have been on long term bedrest (Amy and Kim) know how terribly difficult it is. :( It is definitely not fun, but it is certainly the lesser of two evils. If you could, when you think of her, please just say a little prayer for continued health for her and her baby boy.

As for things in our home, things are going pretty well. Ellie has decided that today is a good eating day and is showing improvement since my last post, both in the bottle and breastfeeding arenas. She still has yet to take more than an ounce from the bottle, but at-least she is nursing better. AND....last night, she slept for over 11 hours straight! Whooohooo! Can't complain about that!

Things are working out alright with the whole fraud thing. When we checked our our credit reports, everything was fine....THANK GOODNESS! No identity fraud, just the credit card stuff. And USAA (our credit card company) is taking care of everything...we won't be responsible for the $3000 charged to our card. We closed everything out on Monday and are being reissued new cards and numbers. Hope that takes care of the matter!

Onto things that make my heart happy...the weather has been so incredible the last few days! I even got a little sunburn at the park today! It was quite warm! Guess its time to break out the sunscreen!

Not much planned for the weekend. Just some gardening. I'm planting my rose garden! I'm so excited! I've always wanted a rose garden to nurture along. I've decided to personalize it by choosing bushes that have significance to that was a favorite of mine from our home in Highland (a beautiful red and cream one called a Double Delight), one that is my best friend Diana's favorite (a vivid orange one called Voodoo) and another that makes me think of Luke (its a brillant yellow one called a New Day). I planted those three today. Hopefully on Saturday I will get another opportunity to shop for a few more and plant them. I have a serious itch to get my hands in that dirt again! There is just something about gardening that is so magical to me! Love it!

So...that's 'bout it from us tonight. And now that American Idol is over, I think it might just be time to hit the hay. I've been fighting to keep my eyes open past 9pm this week, since my sweet Ellie has me starting my day now around 5am. You know what Ben Franklin said...."early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise." Or at-least not a grump come the morning! :) hehehehe

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm jealous that you're already gardening. I have another 2-3 feet of snow to melt before I can even start to think about gardening...BUT with the weather heating up to the 50's, (heat wave up here) the snow is melting semi quick. I am just fearing the "miracle of March" as they call it up here. March bring mounds of snow...yippee.(can you here the sarcasim) Just kidding. By the time March comes, I'm so sick of the snow that I get a horrible case of Spring fever. Anywho...enjoy your weather and give your family hello from me. XO Jenny