Monday, February 25, 2008

The hills are alive....

...not with the sound of music (at-least none that anyone else can hear) but my heart sings when I look about me these days. Everywhere I turn, green is all I see, and I LOVE it! The recent rains have painted our hills green, the mountains white and yesterday, as the clouds parted and the sun drenched the canyons, the view was simple breathtaking! Ty and I have both taken a liking to driving the back roads through the canyon to get into Redlands, rather than the opting for the freeway because everything is so beautiful! As I drive, I dream of pulling off the side of the road and lingering awhile with my camera in hand to capture the sights. The hills and flat lands are some of the greenest I've ever seen in these parts, and with the buds beginning to form on the barren trees, the branches have taken on the slightest hint of reds and green as well. The rains only intensify the contrast between the two. It is stunning....magical, really. But I know that my camera lens cannot do justice to the beauty around me. Well....I take that back....I'm sure it can, but I'm not seasoned enough to accomplish that just yet, nor do I usually have the opportunity to just linger in that way with two little kiddos in tow. But it IS beautiful and I will soak as much of it in for the short time that it will last!

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