Sunday, February 3, 2008

Rain, Rain, go away....

Its raining again today. And while I know we desperately need the rain, I can't say that I love it when it botches our plans for the day. We were invited to Krystal and Will's for Super Bowl, but with the roads so slick and the long drive, we've decided it was safer to stay home. :( Oh it goes. As I type, I am sitting on the kitchen floor using Ty's laptop and Luke is sitting here next to me playing Playdoh. Its definately a playdoh kind of day...too cold and dreary to do much else. He is such a responsible playdoh-player too! Always sure to keep the doh on his table and to keep just one color out at a time. I love that I can trust him to follow the 'rules'! He's so awesome!!

We have yet to resurrect ourselves from our pajamas (well..I have, since I went to the gym earlier) but the rest of the gang has not. Ellie is taking her morning nap, Ty is in the office, and surprisingly enough, our house is quiet....only the ticking of the clock on the mantel and the occasional tap of Luke's playdoh toys on the table. Its almost serene here.

Our big news for the weekend is that Ellie had her first taste of solids yesterday. My little girl is growing up! (sniff, sniff!) She did amazingly well!!! I wasn't expecting her to take to it as well as she did. She was definately ready!!! We tried again this morning, and she ate quite a bit again! She seems to like it! Here is a little video of her....

Lets see...what else happened this weekend?? Last night I got to enjoy a fun Mom's Night Out with my two neighbors Tabitha and Kristin, at the Melting Pot. Mmmmmmm! I can't tell you how nice it was just to sit and talk, enjoy really good food and linger as long as we wanted over our glasses of wine. I think we were there for four hours!! :) It was great! Thanks again, Tabitha for treating us! You are awesome! :) At dinner, we all talked about how lucky we are to have such a great neighborhood. God heard all of my fervent prayers for good neighbors that we could befriend all those months ago! We certainly feel fortunate to have great neighbors with kids all around the same ages! Its what Ty and I have always hoped for! seems that Luke has grown tired of the playdoh and we are onto another activity for the time being. That is my cue that I need to sign off. I hope that you all enjoy your Super Bowl Sunday and please.....rain, rain, GO AWAY!!!! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Kris, It's been awhile since I've checked in. We were on vacation....yes our very belated honeymoon in Maui! Just the two of was amazing! I see you guys have been busy! Love seeing the pics of everyone, they are such wonderful pictures. I have started planning our trip out there in May. Hoping maybe we could hang with you guys...or come for a visit at least! I'd love to actually get to see your kids, in real life! Kennedy would love it too, since she watches all the videos with me and talks about Ellie and Luke. Chat with you soon.