Saturday, February 16, 2008

Half way through......

My sweet Ellie Paige turns six months old today! Half of her first year is already over! (sniff, sniff!) How can that be?? Wasn't it just August???? Isn't she the most beautiful child?! Those pouty little lips and those round, chubby cheeks! Not to mention those stunning blue eyes? Where ever did she get those eyes??? And that little dimple in her chin....oh my sweet are so adorable! I just want to eat you up!!! :) (Of-course, I'm completely biased, but I think she is the prettiest little girl I have ever laid eyes on!)


And speaking of chubby....I sat her on my scale the other day to see if she had gained anything since she started on solids. According to my scale (which I verified is just about the same as our pediatrician's), she has gained a pound and a half in just under two weeks! She is now up to 15 lbs! Bye, bye 25th percentile! Well....maybe. At-least its a start, right? She is definately into the veggies and cereal we've been giving her. So far, she has loved the sweet potatos and will tolerate the peas, although she prefers them mixed with oatmeal or rice cereal. We're onto veggie #3 this weekend....not sure which one just yet though. Need to hit up the grocery store first!

Her new skill of the week is blowing raspberries. Mostly when she is frustrated or mad though! And watch out if she's got a mouthful of peas! I learned that lesson very quickly the other day!! (You would think I would know better by now!) She is fun though! Such a silly, Momma's girl!

Since I haven't had much time to blog recently, I didn't get the chance to share any of the pictures I took when Amy and her little Sara came for a visit last week. We were fortunate to be able to spend a few hours together while Amy was in town for a short time. It was her first time meeting Ellie and only my second time seeing Miss Sara. Sara was only a tiny thing when I saw her before Ellie was born! Here are our girls....


A highlight of our weekend (last weekend) was that we got to spend some time with my sister Jenn and the girls. It had been awhile since we saw them! Jenn brought along a framed set of pictures of MY dad when he was a baby (we aren't sure exactly how old he is here) but we were astounded by the resembelence Ellie has to my dad. The picture has obviously been 'colorized' as they often did back then, so it made him a very 'pretty' young boy! :) But you can see how many features Ellie shares with her Grandpa! Lots of people have commented recently how she looks like my dad! A much prettier, girl version anyway! (Nothing against you, Dad!)


Its neat for me to see both Ty and my family reflected in our children. I love that they look like 'us' in so many different ways! Luke is definately more of a McLaughlin; looking so much like his handsome daddy and all, and Ellie is more of a Thorp, taking on a lot of the characteristics I had as a baby and looking so much like Grandpa too! Love that!

So I guess its on to Ellie second half of the year. She grows more fun by the day, but I still wish I could press pause and keep her wrapped up in my arms forever. Babies just grow up too fast! We have to hold on tight while we can, right?!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Such sweet photos!