Saturday, November 29, 2008


Six years ago, at 4:42 in the afternoon, as God and our closest loved ones looked on, my life became forever intertwined with the most wonderful man I know! He is my dearest friend, my team mate, my hero and my love! A man I respect with every ounce of my being and whose life is a living testimony to the strength of his spirit and the depth of his heart. There are few words today that echo what abides in my heart. Instead, a quiet, peaceful sense of absolute comfort resides there. For few things in life make me happier than when I am with my love! Happy Anniversary, sweetheart! I love you so.....


Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary, you two. I am proud to say I stood there with you on that day! - Sarah Jean

Anonymous said...

You just know how to say the most perfect things....I wish you both a wonderful and long life together...xoxo jenny