Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Fireworks in the kitchen

Sounds kinda dangerous, eh?

It wasn't....I promise! We are all safe! LOL!

After naps today, I decided it would be fun to do a little baking project together! I had purchased all the ingredients I would need for a favorite carmel corn recipe (thanks, Kathy!) with the hopes that I would have made it for our little Halloween get together. But the to-do list grew too long that day and the carmel got bumped. :) But this afternoon seemed like a perfect day and Luke is always happy to help in the kitchen! :) He helped measure and pour the corn kernels into the huge pan and we covered it up with a glass lid as we anxiously awaited the popping to begin! It was like a mini science project! LOL!! :)

Now I'll be honest and tell you that today was the first time I've popped popcorn the 'old fashioned' way over the stove since I **think** I was about 8!!! It has been a LONG, LONG time! I found myself reading and re-reading the directions on the popcorn bottle several times because of it. I think I was a tad bit nervous! LOL! But as the popcorn began popping away and I saw the look of sheer delight both on Luke AND Ellie's faces, I wondered why we haven't done this more often?! "It sounds like fireworks, Mommy!" Yes....that's a good description of it! Fireworks! Right there in our kitchen! :)

So with our popcorn popped and sampled :) we got to preparing the carmel. favorite part! I made sure to busy Ellie in her highchair with several 'safe' kitchen utensils while Luke played 'chef' on the counter beside me. As I stirred and simmered, wonderful, warm, happy memories of playing at Heidi's house and her mom making us popcorn balls flooded my memory! I pray that these little moments with Luke will be etched in his mind just the same and that someday, he will look back with fondness just as I do. I hope!

With the carmel done and everything all mixed together, it was onto the cookie sheets and into the oven for a little baking! But I learned one valuable lesson today, after....yes AFTER phoning a friend to check.....(I probably should have used a second life line though! :) LOL!!! My lesson??? Wax paper and the oven don't mix very well! :) LOL! You'd think I'd know that by now! Hahaha! Lesson learned! It didn't ruin the carmel corn though! Thank goodness! It was actually quite yummy!


Anonymous said...

That sides like a wonderful afternoon!

Putting wax paper in the oven sounds like something I would do.

Anonymous said...

That sides like a wonderful afternoon!

Putting wax paper in the oven sounds like something I would do.

Anonymous said...

That sides like a wonderful afternoon!

Putting wax paper in the oven sounds like something I would do.

Anonymous said...

I love carmel corn minus the wax paper. So Kris...I knew I could come to your blog for a smile. Ellie is darn cute. See I was going to pack tonight to fly home and say my goodbyes and see ya laters to my grandpa..well too late..I was too late. I got the call this afternoon that he passed. I turned to your blog for the one thing I needed and that was a much needed smile. I just want you to know how much it means to read your blog. Please say a little prayer for my mom tonight. If anyone can get through to our saving grace its you. XOXO Jenny

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...carmel corn. That was a very cute story and my mom will be so touched! Everytime I make carmel corn, I think of you and all the fun we had as kids. Sometimes I wish I could go back to those little moments in time. :-) Glad everything went okay with the wax paper...silly.....