Sunday, November 16, 2008


Today...119 days after they left home, unsure of what lay ahead of them, Sarah, Nick, Angel, Hudson and Haven returned home! Even as I type, I shake my head at ALL this family has endured and overcome! Today was a powerful and unmistakable testimony of God's faithfulness, grace, provision, and love! It was an emotional homecoming for all of us who were there to share in it, but what a blessing to watch this little strong and undeniably changed yet every bit the same boy he has always been! How wonderful it was to see them come home! Welcome back, my friends!

1 comment:

bennett baby blog said...

Praise God! I am so glad to hear that they are home and doing well.

I loved your "Peace" post. Through your posts, you often remind me of God's simple yet generous gifts that can sometimes be overlooked. Thank you for those reminders! God is good.