Friday, August 29, 2008

Lounging around......

Every once in awhile, we get a day like today...a morning with not much to do except hang around the house and enjoy one another. No where we need to need to hurry....I LOVE mornings like this!

Luke has grown fond of helping me to wake up his baby sister from her naps (not in a bad way...he always waits for me to tell him its time to get her up!). He loves to creep quietly into her room and peer over the edge of the crib to bid her a happy "hiiieeeee, sissy!" complete with a huge, loving smile! Ellie loves this too and squeals with delight when she sees Luke! Its precious to me! This morning was no different, and as I watched the two interact over the crib rails, I just had to run downstairs for my camera, as I begged Luke to just stay there...just for a minute longer! They were so stinkin' cute together. Luke wrapped his arms instinctively around Ellie's back and started talking to her in the sweetest, most loving, big brother voice! She giggled and grinned.....beaming at her brother! Again...precious moments!

Eskimo kisses.....


Of-course, with my camera in hand, I just had to take s'more pictures! :)


Then Luke decided he needed to be in Ellie's crib with her, so they clowned around awhile!
We ventured down the hall to my room after that, so that I could finish up getting ready for the day. I thought this was a fun catch....
"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!!!" :) teeheee! He LOVES jumping on beds! Ellie's not quite sure about it just yet though! :) But she sure didn't mind playing horsey on brother's back!


Oh I LOVE these kids!!! Aren't they the best!? do you like my new digs?????


Anonymous said...

Ohhhhhh my gosh. Thos have to be the most PRECIOUS series of pictures EVER!!! The last one is a framer for sure. And so appropriately surrounded by the beautiful layout. Awesome. Your blog made me happy today.

Sarah Jean

Kelli said...

What great pics! Love the new background too!

Anonymous said...

Your kids are so stinkin cute. BTW Love the background. XO Jenny