Thursday, September 4, 2008


So I'm thinking that Luke's awesome first week of school was just a honeymoon. The last two school days have been so rough! From getting ready and out the door in the morning, to kissing him goodbye and then picking him up...all of it has been tough this week! Argh! This morning, he was so crabby and argumentative....EVERYTHING, even down to putting his shoes on, was a fight! Had it not been for our need to get out the door so as to not be late, I think he would have spent a lot of time in 'time out!'. And on both days, when it came time for me to say goodbye, he teared up, glued himself to my leg and has just had an all-around rough time! I know that its normal, and I am sure that it will pass, but what makes it so hard is that with Ellie in my arms, I cannot easily scoop him up to console him or comfort him as I would like to. And even my words and/or preparation don't seem to help. But the teachers tell me that once he settles in, he is fine. That's good to know!

This afternoon, as I came to pick him up, Dr. Jeckle turned into Mr. Hyde! (is that how that saying goes????) He was a whole different kind of beast! He was busily playing in the spaceship (a really cool, wood-shaped space craft thingy) with several other boys. I was happy to see him happy! But this mama had a whole Costco trip of groceries beginning to roast in the car in the 95 degree weather and had to get movin' back home pretty quickly! When I told Luke that it was time to go, he hollered "No!" at me and attempted to hit the air (like he was really wanting to hit me, but was just too far away.). Hmph. Ok....knowing that it probably wasn't fair of me to not give him a warning, I restated my request. " really looks like you're having a lot of fun. have 3 more minutes, and then it will be time to go." I was met with the same response. So I waited the three minutes there in the hot sun, with a very tired infant resting on my left hip, and when it was time to go, what did Luke do? He decided it would be fun to play chase, in a not-so-fun, naughty kind of way! The class was lining up now, and even Mrs. McCann had to tell Luke that it was no longer playtime. But his little avoidant game continued. For several minutes!

And here I am, trying as hard as I can to remain calm, but feeling my blood begin to boil as both embarrassment and frustration surge. Oh how I HATE moments like that....when you KNOW everyone must be watching and all you want is for your little monster to turn back into a prince just until you get to the car!!!!! But he didn't. Oh no! Once I finally got a hand on him, he 'collapsed' to his knees, and I resorted to carrying him to the car (or at-least I attempted to, but it wasn't easy to wrangle my flailing preschooler with Ellie on the opposite hip!) His shoes fell off once along the day, he was crying, Ellie began to wail because Brother was upset, and I was fit to be tied!!!! was one of those days!

It really hasn't gotten much better either. :( But on the bright side, there is only 4 more hours until bedtime! :) LOL! Tomorrow has GOT to be better!


Anonymous said...

Oh Kris! I can't even imagine. I am sure you were in good company and all of those around you have been in the same position one time or the other.

I hope you will have a good weekend and your little boy will return to being a prince :-)

Kelli said...

It will take some time to adjust. Even Brayden, as young as he was and is, has his moments...when he started his day care at 8 months old and when he moved up to the next class at 14 months old...he had his moments. And don't worry, he will come to enjoy getting ready for school.

I'll pray for patience for you while you all adjust to this new semi-weekly ritual of sorts.

Have a good weekend!

Anonymous said...

I wanted to let you know that Hudson did the same, Kris. I think it was week two or three that all of a sudden he cried and said "I don't want to go." Even IN the classroom he would cling to my leg too. I guess its pretty normal that in the "newness" of it all they're okay for a few weeks and then have this meltdown type thing. Hang in there. SO frustrating!