Saturday, September 27, 2008

Pluggin' along......

Not much to report this week. It has been a pretty 'normal' week 'round our house! I feel blessed by this, as I know there is so much going on for so many of you! Normal is w-o-n-d-e-r-f-u-l!!!

So what did we do this week?? Hmmm...let's see. Monday was typical...a day at home cleaning up from the tornado that typically wrecks havoc on our home over the weekends! :) LOL! I took a long walk with the kids, played at the park and returned home to do the laundry, house cleaning, etc. Normal, normal, normal.

Tuesday was preschool and Luke's open house! He is doing GREAT now at school and very much looks forward to going each day now. Gone is the trepidation of a few weeks ago, and now when I drop him off, he kisses me goodbye and is off running with his friends before I can say "I love you!" :) It is so good to see!! The Playschool held an Open House on Tuesday, and since Ty had a long travel day that day, Meemaw joined the kids and I for the evening. Luke ADORED showing Meemaw ALL around his classroom, the playground, and especially all the artwork he has done! The last month has been filled with lessons on sea life and the ocean, and there are now some very beautiful sea creatures adorning the walls in our playroom! His class does some pretty neat art projects, I have to say!

Wednesday....hmmm....well....I really have NO idea what Wednesday held. LOL! Probably just a repeat of Monday, I'm assuming. Laundry....laundry and more laundry!!! With dinner, grocery shopping and some play time thrown in there for good measure. :) Oh! NOW I remember! We actually had a fantastic visit with an old family friend, Anne Marie. She had never met Ellie and had not yet seen our new home, so obviously it had been quite some time since I had seen her. We had a great visit and the kids took immediately to her! Though Luke played his shy-guy act a good part of the time she was here, he gushed over her afterwards and told me how much he liked her and that he thought she was pretty! LOL! :) Sweet boy!

During our visit, I got the opportunity to hear of the amazing story of how the Lord has called her to be a organ donor for a woman who is in stage four renal failure! It is an incredible story of God using circumstance, proximity and His perfect timing to bring these two women together for the purpose of what we all hope to be healing and new life! If you would join me in praying for the surgery, which is scheduled for October 13th, I know both families would be immensely grateful!

Our remainder of the week was much akin to the beginning....with the exception of Ellie coming down with a cold on Thursday evening. :( Poor baby just DOES NOT feel well...feverish, runny and then stuffy nose....and crabby as can be because of it! Today seemed to be a bit better, although now it would seem that I might be getting a touch of it too. BUMMER! Tomorrow marks the 'official' beginning of my fall family portrait season (although I've had about a shoot a week for about a month now), so I have little patience for a cold. Hoping it is short lived, if it transpires at all! We shall see.

Guess I'm going to wrap this up for tonight. Sleepiness is creeping in and I am having a hard time staying focused enough to type. Makes me think I AM getting sick. :( But to leave on a VERY happy note, I am beyond thrilled to be able to report tonight that Angel was discharged from the hospital yesterday and spent his first night in 68 days under the same roof as the rest of his family! It has been a little bumpy of a transition, but I know that Sarah and Nick couldn't be happier to have their son home! What a wonderful blessing!!! They also covet your prayers for continued health and recovery for Angel, as this journey is far from over!

Off to sleep for now.....more in a few days. Night, friends!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is wonderful news about Angel - I am sure it is still rough but wonderful to be all together again.

Miss you!