Saturday, September 20, 2008


My Belle turned 13 months just the other day, and since my last few blogs have been mostly about Luke, I thought that a few cute photos of Ellie were in order! These were taken yesterday afternoon...completely impromptu. I had a photo shoot during nap time and since all my things were set up, I thought I had better take advantage of it and sneak in a few pics of my sweet girl when she got up!

She is so much fun! As you can see from these images, her demeanor is happy and lighthearted....full of smiles, giggles and silliness! She is now talking incessantly, although the vast majority of the time it is just babble. SHE knows what she is saying though, and acts as if everyone else can understand! LOL! She will point out the window or at something around her and go into a full explanation of what she is seeing. Just wish it made sense to us! :) Every once in awhile, a familiar 'word' will pop out. She has been fascinated with Tess recently and has pretty much mastered "dog". And her second favorite word is "mom". She now forgoes 'mama' for a much more grown up (and brother-inspired) 'mom', which she frequently will call out from anywhere in the house just to be sure of where I am! :) "Maaaaaam?" Mom? Maam!" Its pretty cute! (And at times, a little grating when you hear it a ba-zillion times a day!) LOL! A friend of mine and I were teasing the other day about how we think we should change our names to Gertrude or something tough to say, just so that we could have a break from the jibber-jabber! :) LOL! Made me laugh! But honestly, I will take 'mom' or jibber-jabber over Ellie's more recent phase of squawking/crying over nothing at all....just to get my attention. Girls! And the drama begins! :) LOL! Still love her to pieces though!

Sweet girl!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aww.. What pretty pictures! And such a beautiful story about sweet Luke!!
Love to you all!
Taylor :)