Monday, September 15, 2008


.....Shhhhhh!! Don't tell anyone (of-course I know I'm telling all of you, but just play along!) but Luke and I shared a piece of cake this 11am! :) LOL!

We had been together in the office...Ellie was napping....I was working on the computer and Luke was hard at play, when we both decided a little snack, a little break and a little mischief was in tall order! And CAKE was the perfect solution!! :) I had made a little cake last night as a special Sunday night dessert....and of-course there were leftovers today! As we walked to the kitchen I said "Hey'd you like to do something silly? Let's have cake! It's 11 in the morning, and we will have lunch soon, but hey! Let's live a little! Okay?? But sshhhhh! Don't tell Daddy!" LOL! Of-course Luke was all for it! And of-COURSE I had to make it even more fun with a few photos! Hehehe! It's these little moments with my kids that make life rich...and full...and vibrant! :)


Anonymous said...

VERY VERY CUTE!!!!! He must have been over the moon...that is really great. Sounds like something my mom would have done. I miss you guys.

Kelli said...

Too Cute!!