Wednesday, August 13, 2008

A New Day

I awoke this morning early, before the alarm, to the twitter of a bird outside my window. The air was cool and crisp as I wandered downstairs to cozy up with a warm, inviting cup of coffee. I gazed out the kitchen window as I poured alertness into my mug, shrugged off the cloak of sleep and breathed in peace. Today is a new day. Fresh, without blemish or mark. A new day full of promise. This is in stark contrast to the way I fell asleep last night. For yesterday was a day marked with busyness, stress and exhaustion. I went to bed near tears last night, laying down my bible with an unusually heavier heart than when I opened it, and snuggling deep into my pillow as if I could somehow bury the day in it. I don't much care for days like yesterday. I think I fell asleep praying for a morning much like of peacefulness and ease.

Standing in the kitchen, the sun began to peek over the horizon and bounced rays of light off the scattering of clouds. God painted the sky with beautiful hues of pink and lavender and I thought, "A baby will be born today". Long awaited, precious baby Haven will meet the world just a few hours as I sit to type this. And this morning, as I ponder the day ahead, I marvel at God's unending grace, provision and love. How this child, woven and knit together inside her mother, was perfectly timed and perfectly planned by God. From my earthly perspective, in recent weeks, I have often questioned God's timing and reasoning for things. Not that I have doubted His wisdom and power, but rather, in my humanness, I search for reasons why. But those questions always only lead me back to one thought "God knows. He is in control and He has a perfect plan." Yes. God, and God alone knows why He sets certain things in motion and plans things as He does. And thank goodness for that!! Thank goodness that there is a Master Planner overseeing all that is in this world! What comfort I find in this thought!

This morning, as I gazed out at this new day before me, breathing in God's assurance that His timing is perfect, all my questions and anxieties fell away. Peace settled in their place (if even only for a time) and I grow excited to meet this little, long awaited precious baby who is wrapped in prayer. She will come into a family and into a life that is, in this season, surrounded in busyness, stress and anxieties, but just as I awoke to this new day of peace, her birth will be a sweet, refreshing, cozy refuge for her family....a little slice of heaven.......a safe haven for their weary hearts.

Looking forward to meeting you in a few short hours, sweet child. Praying for your arrival to be safe and peaceful!

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