Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Still no sign of Snuggie!

Day 5....(maybe day 6) without Snuggie. I fear he is gone for good. :( So sad. He was such a good Snug. I hope he's safe, where ever he is.

There are some leads however, as to the whereabouts of Snuggie. It is believed that the Green Monster has stolen him and is holding him for ransom for an undisclosed amount. Yes...the Green Monster. It has invaded our home in the past. Three times to be exact. This particular monster (we call him that for lack of a better term....we really have no idea if he's monster-ish or not) loves to feast on all things green. Items of other colors will simply not suffice. Green and only green. We have lost a favorite green shirt of Ty's to this monster, along with a green Thera-cane that Ty used for work and now Snuggie..who is also green, of-course. All of these things have seemingly vanished into thin air. One day they are in their proper place, and the next they are gone, with no feasible explanation as to where they might have gone. Just like that...POOF...and they disappear. In our 5+ years of marriage, we have not really lost any other items of different colors.....just green things. Strange, isn't it? Seriously people.....there is some strange phenomenon going on around us here. :) And it's not just in this house....the Green Monster has visited us both in our Redlands condo and our Highland house. It is very odd. A mystery, really. :)

As for Luke...he is coping with the loss of Snuggie much better than a few days ago. He still asks about him from time to time, and we talk about how Snuggie is hiding somewhere. We hunt for him often, but still to no avail. The pseudo-Snug I offered to him several nights ago has officially been accepted as part of the bedtime routine in lue of Snuggie. I think that Luke is actually quite fond of it....Bear Snug, we call him, since he is one of those little snuggie blankets with a small teddy bear attached to it. He'll never take the place of our dear Snug, but maybe Luke can begin to make a new life with this one. And he's not green, so maybe he'll stick around! LOL!!! :)

PS....still working on the birthday pics....almost ready to share 'em.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did you find Snuggie?