Saturday, January 5, 2008

Sleeping through...

...finally through the night, that is. And much delayed, as far as I'm concerned. Many weeks ago, Ellie proved to me that she was capable of the feat when she slept from 8pm 'til 6:30am, however in the weeks that followed, she continued to wake around 3:30 out of habit. How did I know it was a habit and not true hunger??? Well...the time was the same each night (within a fifteen minutes or so) and even though she would eat quickly with an apparent hunger, she was getting plenty of milk during the day (usually 5 full feedings during daytime hours). According to my Babywise book, all those things, combined with her age (4 1/2 months) equated to a middle of the night waking habit. And I've known this. But to be honest, I really haven't minded getting up with her at 3am. Not only is my body used to it, but it was kind-of my quiet time with her alone. I would usually only be up for 15 minutes and then it was back to bed for the both of us.

But I knew that I couldn't continue like this forever, or I'd be in a world of hurt come 10 or 12 months when my baby girl STILL wouldn't sleep through the night. So I decided it was time to nip it in the bud. My only fear: that her crying would wake Luke up. That has been my biggest concern, actually...and legitimately so, since their rooms are right next door to one another. And I knew that some crying would be in order. (Another part I hate, but what are ya gonna do?) Well....Luke still sleeps with his sound machine on, which is supposed to sound like wind, but sounds more like white noise if you ask me. And that thing has been a lifesaver for us. It drowns out all the household noises for him, so he can rest without disruption. It even muffles Ellie's occasional screams from right next door. I highly recommend getting one for those of you with second babies in the future or on the way!!

Anyway...on Wednesday night/Thursday morning, I decided to officially begin her sleep training. I resolved to let her be when she woke and set some limits as to how long I would let her cry before I went in to settle her. The first night, Ty was actually up getting ready for work when she woke (Yes.....he's up that early!!!), so he went in when I requested him to and swaddled her back up so she might be more prone to drift back to sleep. After a few more minutes of crying in his arms, she did and slept on through until 7:30. Not too shabby! She of-course was starving when she woke in the morning, but certainly no worse for wear. In fact, I think she was a happier child throughout the day! Then last night, I heard her stir around 4am, but instead of screaming for any length of time, she cried softly for about 3 minutes and then drifted off to sleep on her own. She slept through until I woke her for the day at 7:30. Oh! How I love it when what Babywise teaches works so beautifully!! It may not be for everyone, but it has most definitely proved itself effective for my two kids...even though Ellie was delayed in sleeping through until now...but that was my fault....not hers. I allowed her to continue the habit. But both kiddos have always been great sleepers otherwise. I'm thankful for that!

I can't complain about getting full nights of sleep either. Its glorious to stay in bed all night! I'm a happier momma too because of it! :)

So....that is my news for today. Luke's party is this afternoon and he is very much looking forward to it. He has been a little confused as to why there are so many 'birthday's', since we celebrated the actual day on Thursday and then have another celebration today, but I know he doesn't mind! :) He's loving getting more gifts (what kid doesn't??) and he's is super excited to have his 'Thomas Party with his friends at My gym!" It should be a lot of fun and A LOT less work for me! I'll actually be able to enjoy the party now! Yay! It will be a great day!

I'm headed to the gym for now. I love Saturday's for that reason...Daddy is home to watch the little ones while I can steal away for a little 'me time'. Ta-ta my friends!


Anonymous said...

YAY Ellie for sleeping through the night! Brandon had that same problem with waking up at 4:00ish to eat. I let him slide until he was 5 1/2 months old, but will definitely put the smackdown earlier on the next one...IF there is a next one. :-) I thought Babywise worked wonderfully for us to! Hope you had a great time at Luke's party, can't wait to see pics.

Anonymous said...

I too used Babywise and loved it. Way to go Ellie and her mamma for being so smart! Congrats! Welcome back to the world of a restful sleep!