Thursday, December 4, 2008

Back to a normal way of life....

Today I am celebrating the fact that my photography work for this season is now COMPLETELY DONE! Yaaaaahooooooooooo! I rushed home while Luke was at school today to cram in as much work as I possibly could in hopes that I might get it all done. And when I pressed (send) on my final order just a little while ago, I literally did a victory dance all around my house! LOL! Its that feeling of relief, accomplishment and exhaustion that I used to feel as I'd walk out of my last final for the semester in college... having studied for hours and days...into the wee hours of the morning or before dawn to get it all done! It has been a long few months for me! Wonderful, but LONG! I am very much looking forward to FULLY being my husband's wife and my kid's mom again! And while I know that I have not just recklessly abandoned them these last couple of months, I can't help but feel as though I have failed to fully be there for them in the ways I strive to and that this hectic lifestyle we've been living for awhile now is...well....too hectic! After all, the whole reason why I stay at home is to make sure my family is and feels that they are my first priorities. I'm not one to enjoy the super-busy, always on the go lifestyle. I like the quieter side of things where there is time to enjoy the simple pleasures of playing with my kids, cooking for them, taking walks, adequately taking care of my responsibilities around the home and to be with friends. And I'm so, so, SO looking forward to getting back to those things! I have learned much these past several my photography...about myself, and about the things that are most important. I am so grateful for those lessons and for the blessings God has laid before me! My photography stuff is wonderful....I love doing it, but it is not my purpose and it is not my goal. Its time to get back to the really good stuff! :)

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