Monday, April 23, 2007

Updates and do-overs....

Before I begin my usual updates, let me first update you on precious little friend Kelli's son, for those of you who kept him in your prayers. He had his open-heart surgery this morning and as of 10:30am, was out of the OR and in recovery. The surgery was successful! They closed the several holes in his heart (one was found to actually be roughly the size of a DIME....he's only 5 months old, remember!! Yikes!!) and they successfully moved his aorta away from the trachea. They left one of the smaller holes open, believing I think, that it will close on it's own in time. So....although the next 48 hours are the most critical for him, there is victory in a successful surgical outcome. Thank you for your prayers! If you could, please continue to pray for healing and recovery.

Okay...moving on. My OB appointment today went well too! My weight and BP were good...and still no protein in my urine. All good signs. I made the nurse wait to take my blood pressure until after I had settled in a bit, so as to avoid a repeat of last months visit. She was happy to wait, but unfortunately, it didn't seem to have much affect on my pressures. It was still 124/72. Still totally in a normal range for most people, but on the higher end for me. I mentioned my lower reading earlier in the week to Dr. Hage (when Tami took it manually) and asked why there might be such a difference. (Remember, if was 100/50 then.) He said that two things could be at work being that it was taken earlier in the day then and at the end of the afternoon today. Pressures tend to be higher as the day progresses. Okay. Second, it was taken manually with Tami and in a different way at the office. Okay. I guess there is always the possibility too that one of the readings were inaccurate. So...I take it all with a grain of salt and rest in knowing that I'm feeling well, and not spilling protein. No need to stress over it.

The ultrasound results came back good as well. If I wasn't so sure about the date of my last period, Dr. Hage would have moved my due date up to Aug. 22nd, as she is measuring a week ahead, but since I am pretty certain of my dates, he is keeping me at Aug. 29th. I was happy to hear she is measuring larger rather than smaller. Nothing wrong with that! :) There were no apparent abnormalities on the ultrasound....she looks healthy and well! :) Yay! He will however, be scanning me again at 26 weeks to check on my placenta. Apparently, the placenta is currently lying over my c-section scar, which he wants to keep an eye on. He is hopeful that as my uterus grows, it will pull the placenta up along with it, but he will repeat the ultrasound in a few weeks to be sure. He didn't offer too much information at this time, as he didn't want me to worry about something that is not necessarily a problem. But from what I understand, if the placenta does not move, there is a risk that it could grow into the scar tissue from my c-section and cause complications for me during delivery. There really is nothing we can do about it at this point except just wait and see how or if the placenta moves. Prayer that it moves and waiting is all that is in order at this point. So that is what we will do. I'm truly not worried about it at this point. There is a good chance that it (the placenta) will move.

Aside from that little tidbit of information, the rest of the appointment was good. We will likely be able to schedule our c-section date at our next visit and I will have my glucose test and my second Rhogam injection then as well. As for the c-section date, we found out that our original hope to have section done on a Friday is not possible..he doesn't do surgeries on Friday. So we requested a Thursday as our second choice. He said he will do his best to accommodate that,as long as there are no conflicts with the hospital's schedule, but we won't know for sure until a few weeks from now. If we get the Thursday date, I think the date will be Aug. 16th, as long as he doesn't want to do it sooner. Again, we'll know more in a few weeks.

So...that's that in terms of baby. Oh....except that do-over part of my title. Did I have you baffled on that one???? Well...remember how we finished up the painting of her room on Sunday??? No sooner did we pull off the tape did I realized that the color was completely off! We did a light pink of the top and a pale green/sage color on the bottom, with a white chair rail planned in between. The pink is fine (thankfully, since it's the majority of the wall space) but the green turned out MUCH more minty than sage. :( Shoot! I actually can't stand it at all! And I'm not just being really IS the wrong color...even Ty agrees it looks funny. :( Big bummer! The swatch looked like it was going to be a good choice, and the swatch matches the wall, so it wasn't like the paint guy screwed up the order. The color just wasn't the right choice from the get-go. Ooops! So this week I will make a second attempt to pick the right shade. Something more sage-y and less minty green. Wish me luck! At-least we only have to repaint the bottom half!

Well...that's it from me tonight. Sorry to not have any pictures from the last few days. The blog is kinda boring without shots of the little man. Oh well. Maybe I'll be better at picking up my camera in the next few days. He's still not feeling up to par, but thankfully it's not the worst cold he's ever had. Its actually pretty mild. Thank goodness! He just wants to do a lot of sleeping and is a bit crankier than normal. All tolerable.

Off to finish watching 24.....more to come.


Anonymous said...

Kris~I love reading your blog. It's one of the few things I actually look forward to doing after working, drivng 45mins home, and looking for a home back on South Lake. So just incase you're wondering if anyone reads...I do and enjoy it. Please give a smile to your friends whom with the miracle of god will get through this rough road. XOXO Jenny

Anonymous said...

Thanks for putting the word out there about Brayden's surgery. The large prayer chain that has formed by many has been doing a world of good. He's improving everyday.

Glad to hear that everything seems normal on your end and will pray that the placenta moves away from your c-section scar tissue. Can't wait to see her room all decorated too.