Sunday, April 22, 2007

Lazy Sunday

Its a lazy, stay at home kind of Sunday for us today. I worked last night in the ED, so this morning was a 'catch up on sleep' kind of morning. Or at-least it was supposed to be. Luke decided it would be fun to get out of bed at 5:48 this morning. :( I was NOT happy about that. I pulled him into bed with us, knowing that if my feet hit the floor to return him to his own bed, I would not be able to get back to sleep. So up he came with us, and I sternly told him that he could be in bed with us as long as he didn't talk, wiggle or move. :) He was to go back to wasn't time to get up yet. Much to my surprise, it pretty much worked. He laid still in between Ty and I for quite a long time. I dozed lightly for awhile...shifting and adjusting often to get comfortable and telling little Luke to 'go night-night' a couple of times. It was 7:15 by the time he couldn't hold still any longer, and Ty every so graciously took Luke downstairs to allow me to sleep a bit longer. :) I love him for that!! :) And sleep I did! For the first time in I don't even know how long, I didn't drag my bootie out of bed until 9:15! WOOOHOO! That is simply unheard of for me. I loved every second of it!!!! :)

The rest of the morning, I helped Ty tape off and put the finishing touches on the paint in the baby's room. He painted the top half of the room yesterday, so we just had the bottom to finish up. It didn't take long, but my early riser fell fast asleep on the bed in the middle of the room while Ty and I were working. He slept on for another 2 and half hours, even after we moved him to his own bed. He needed some rest. He started in with a cold yesterday and has been obviously feeling a little punky since. His little cheeks are pink and his nose goopy. :( He's not interested in eating much, and he seems rather content to stay in his pj's today, lounging around the house. Hope he's better soon and that he doesn't decide to share his germs with me!!

Oh yes....back to the baby's room......on Friday I officially purchased her crib! We had picked one out via the net about a week ago and I spent quite a lot of time seeking out the best price online and reading reviews. I was able to find a place that offered it for a really good price, shipping and tax-free! We planned on buying it, but I was hesitant until I was able to see it in person first...just to make sure that it was WHITE and not off-white and to check out how sturdy it was. So on Friday, Luke and I headed out to the store where we purchased his crib and they had it there! The owner of the store started talking to me a bit and I told her we were interested in buying it, but were most likely going to do it online, as the price was unbeatable. The store was selling it for $30 more than the Internet price, but that was not including tax, so it would have been considerably more. I asked her if she would be willing to match the online price I had found (I even gave her the web address if she wanted to verify the price I had found) and she willingly obliged! :) YAY! So we got the crib, at the price we wanted, AND we don't have to worry about the possibility of dings and dents that can occur when cribs are shipped directly to your home. How cool is that! :) I was proud of my deal-making abilities! :) I'm not usually comfortable doing that! So....we should have our crib in 2 to 4 us just enough time to get the chair rail up and the other furniture in there moved out. I'm so excited! We are well ahead of 'schedule' in getting her room ready....with Luke, I was just starting to paint the walls at 29 weeks! I'm 21 as of Friday!

Hmmmm...let's see...what else? I have another OB appointment tomorrow and we will finally get our ultrasounds results. Hope they are okay. I'm sure they are. I always look forward to these appointments.....mostly just to have an affirmation that all is well, I guess.

The last thing I wanted to share before I go help Ty put up the ceiling fan in our bedroom is an update on my friends Kelli & Rob, and their son Brayden. Please pray for them! They had a week of tests and procedures last week, cummulating in the news that Brayden will need open heart surgery sooner than later. At this point, I believe it is scheduled for tomorrow. The doctors found several other problems that will need surgical being that his aorta is laying across his trachea; hindering it's development and causing his airway to become compromised when he gets upset. His trachea has not developed properly because of this, and is immature and weak, causing it to close easily. So in addition to closing the holes in his heart, and repairing a leak in the two aortic vessels that are currently connected (they should not be), the surgeons will also be moving his aorta out of the way of the trachea in hopes that the trachea will be able to mature properly. Just SO much for them to handle! Please pray for strength for them and wisdom for those who are caring for Brayden. Not to mention that surgery would go smoothly and without complication. It will be a long road of recovery, and your prayers 9even though you may not know them) will provide sustenance and strength. Thank you for just taking a moment to pray for them.

Okay..I am off for now. I'm sure I will update with news from our appointment tomorrow. Until then......

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