Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Fitting the flu......

We've picked up some kind of yucky stomach bug around our house. :( Luke started it all on Saturday, when he threw up twice in the morning, but that seemed to be the end of it at that point. Then on Monday, I woke up feeling yucky. :( I was able to get through most of my day, but I just didn't feel right. By dinner time, I made it home from a walk with my friend Tami, and it was all downhill from there. Vomiting, extreme fatigue, faintness, a very sore stomach...NOT fun! I spent all day yesterday on the couch, snoozing and hoping to feel better. Luke was SUCH an angel all day. He played quietly here in the family room while I rested and just even let me nap here and there without getting himself into any trouble. What a big boy!! He started in with some diarrhea yesterday afternoon and then Ty came home with all the same symptoms I had. :( I was starting to rejoin the land of the living by evening last night, but Ty is now feeling the brunt of it, and even had to call into work today...the first time he's EVER done that since he's worked for Sonia. Poor guy...he was so worried last night about not being able to work today. "This'll be an expensive illness if I don't go in tomorrow. It cost each of us a day of work." Yup. But whatcha gonna do? Unfortunately, neither one of us have sick benefits or paid time off. I don't, simply because I'm only per diem, but Ty doesn't because he's self-employed. :( Guess that's what our emergency fund is for, right? A rainy day. Or in our case this morning, a SNOWY day! read that's SNOWING here this morning. Gigantic, heavy flakes of that white stuff are falling from the sky as I type. It's beautiful! It rained too much over the last 24 hours for it to stick, I think, but it's beautiful to watch falling. We are all huddled here on the couch in our pj's trying to get some HoneyNut Cherrios and gatorade on board. Luke and I are making much better headway at that than poor Ty. It certainly is no fun to be sick! But the snow somehow makes it just a little more tolerable!

Well...Master Luke is asking for me to turn on the fireplace, so I shall go appease him. It IS a bit chilly in here. I'm sure I'll find him huddled into his Luke-sized recliner shortly, as he enjoys the warmth of the fireplace. It's his favorite spot when it's chilly! :) Quite cute. I'm off for now to attend to my sickies. Hopefully we'll all be on the mend soon!


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that Ty got the bug too, but it sounds like you and Luke are better.
We didn't get any snow this AM but there was a light dusting of it on the grass last night. The hills above us sure are pretty with snow.
Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear ya'll are sick. As for the snow part...I am looking a approx. 4-5 feet of has been puking snow for the last couple of days here in SLT but we finally got a blue bird day...YIPPY snowboarding here I come! Hope ya'll get well soon xoxo Jenny