Saturday, February 24, 2007

I only have eyes for you...

So I've been enamored with Luke's eyes lately! I realized as I was cruising through some of the recent pictures of him that I have taken, that I have inexplicably focused lots of my efforts on his eyes! (Remember the picture from my last entry?) I am just enamored with them! Pictures really don't do them justice. Really. I wish you could see how incredible they are...especially just as he climbs out of bed and into my arms as we rock together with the morning sun streaming in through his window. Or how the color changes with the time of day or his surroundings. I'm just in awe of him lately. Truly in love with my son! I could literally just sit and stare at his precious face for hours...that is, if he'd let me! :) There is just something about his skin...the soft, glowing pink of his cheeks surrounding those blue eyes that are rimmed in dark, long lashes. Oh...what a beautiful boy I have! I love, love, love him!!!!! I wish these precious moments could last forever. I'm reminded constantly of how fast he is growing and how numbered these magical toddler days are. Makes me sad when I think of it that way. I wish he could just stay little forever! Here are some of those pictures I was telling you about...
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I was so caught up in the whole eye-thing today that I even snapped this one...
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My blue-eyed boy and my brown-eyed girl! :) Wonder what color eyes the Bambino will have. Oh.....speaking of Baby.....I have officially entered into my second trimester! For many pregnant women, this means we can breathe a sigh of relief knowing that the risk of miscarriage is now much lower. That is a good feeling, although I am still feeling a little on alert from the spotting I had. It seems ironic to me that with my first pregnancy, I hardly worried about a thing. I never recall feeling worried about miscarriage or focusing much on all that could go wrong. I always say that I was blissfully ignorant! That is, until things started to happen. But this time around, I'm not. Its ironic to me because most first time moms-to-be are super cautious and vigilant about their pregnancies. They worry about their diets, their exercising, eating just the right things, or making sure not to eat things that might be harmful. Some go as far as to change the kind of deodorant they use, because of the aluminum content in most deodorants. It's not that I wasn't careful in my pregnancy with Luke. I was. I tried to exercise, eat alright and abstain from things that would hurt the baby (like alcohol or too much caffeine). I just remember feeling pretty easy-going. Maybe I'm just romanticizing it in my mind...maybe I was a little neurotic at times (I'm sure my mom or sister could tell ya!) but I don't remember being that way. Anyway...all that to say that I am admittedly feeling a teeny-tiny bit neurotic this time around. At-least when it comes to weird sensations, spotting, lifting, eating well, and exercise. That control-junkie inside me wants to make sure that IF something does go wrong again this time, that I can't look back look back and find something to blame myself for. I never really felt guilty for anything that happened with Luke. I was lucky that way. A lot of preemie moms do. But like I said, I was blissfully ignorant and somehow that ignorance removed any possibility that I somehow caused my pre-e. (Just so you know, I KNOW that there is a-b-s-o-l-u-t-e-l-y nothing I could have done to stop my pre-e! It just happened.) I guess the difference this time around is that I know that there are some things that can possibly help my chances of not having it again, and I just want to make sure I'm doing all those things. Make sense??

Okay...I'm rambling. Sorry. Wasn't intending to go there tonight, and seeing that it's getting late, I should just rest this weary head. Hope you all are enjoying your weekend! And quickly, I just wanted to say a great, big CONGRATULATIONS to my online-buddy Kristin (who also suffered from severe pre-eclampsia with her first son Easton, born at 33 weeks) but who just delivered a healthy, 8lb 15oz son...Dalton Cole via a SCHEDULED c-section on Friday! Welcome to the world, Dalton! You and your mommy give me hope for a normal pregnancy! :)


Anonymous said...

Hello there! Congratulations to your freind with her healthy new baby...I am sure that I will be saying the same for you in a while! Anyways, just wanted to say that I was checking in on you guys and your beautiful-eyed boy! :) Hope to talk to you soon!

Anonymous said...

I'm obsessed with eye pictures as well. I have certain pictures of my kids that I absolutely LOVE because of the expression in their eyes, not to mention the pretty blue! Luke's eyes are very beautiful too!
~Jamie Corbett