Sunday, February 18, 2007

Mr. Sandman, bring me a dream!

As I sit here, slightly blurry-eyed, the clock reads 1:50am. :( Insomnia! Blegh! Gotta love THIS side of pregnancy too, I guess. This morning's insomnia is a bit early for me, actually. Seems like the last few nights, it has hit a little later. Must've been that all that Sweet Tea ( special dinner out treat!) I had at dinner tonight that rustled me out of bed at for my nightly potty run. I think I jinxed myself on this one. It must have just been last week that I thought to myself "Hmmmmm.....I've been sleeping pretty well this pregnancy!" So much for that! With Luke's pregnancy I had HORRIBLE insomnia from the very beginning. Even at 6 weeks! I would wake in the middle of the night, only to remain that way for several hours afterwards. I remember the first night I went into the hospital before I delivered him as the first FULL night of sleep I had received in all my 31 (and a half!) weeks of pregnancy....and that was only aided my the sleeping pill they gave me. (And then of-course, it was quite some time again that I slept well!) But aahhhh...this time around, it has been blissfully different.....I've slept famously until a couple of nights ago, when the midnight rendezvous' with my thoughts and the utterly silent house began! :) There is a lot of random things to think about at 2am, that's for sure! Tonight was the first night I just opted to hop on the Internet from the get-go, rather than to lay there tossing and turning in bed, listening to my sweet husband snooze on! Let's just hope its a short-lived phase! We'll see!

Alrighty...enough 'bout that! Friday's trip to the park with Brayden and Jamie was a lot of fun! It was SO warm (nearly 80!) that I actually had to put sunscreen on my little Lukey before heading out! Good thing too....we spent well over an hour romping through the grass to feed the ducks and running 'round the playground after our two little former preemies! It was great! :) Luke had a blast, and I think Brayden did too! As the kids played, I was just in awe over our little guys and their miraculous growth! Especially Brayden, who for those of you who don't recall, was a 25 week preemie, born at home! A true miracle! Here are a few pics...

Playing together...
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The only picture I could get of them together, before one of them took off running! It's certainly not the best picture I've ever taken, but oh well!
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Luke feeding the ducks...
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And taking a few bites for himself :)
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Friday afternoon was our tumble class. As usual, Luke spent the first 10 minutes 'adjusting' and not wanting to participate in anything! But he warmed up soon there after and had a blast jumping off the big, soft blocks, bouncing on the mini-trampoline and practicing his back bends on a big rolling cylinder. He was excited to get his Valentine's sticker from Ms. Cheryl at the end and can't wait to go back next week!

And tonight (errr...last night, since it is the am!) was dinner with my family to celebrate my dad's upcoming birthday. Luke got to play with all his cousins, which he LOVED! He's really starting to interact more and more with other kids, and he just can't get enough of his cousins!

So...I guess that's all for now. Still not feeling very sleepy, but maybe I will fall back to sleep if I head back to bed! Ty offered to let me sleep in in the morning while he takes Luke and makes me breakfast, so that I won't be too tired during my shift tonight. Isn't he sweet! :) Working the ED is my favorite, but the late hours take their toll on me now that I'm pregnant! I'm just not accustom to staying up much past 10, much less 11:30 when my shift is supposed to end! Yikes! I might head in a little early.

Okay....I'm off to dreamland, I hope! Let's pray for better sleep!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awww, those pictures came out cute! I was able to get a couple cute ones, but of course nothing too great, I guess posing isn't the most fun thing to do at the park!
Insomnia is terrible.

Jamie Corbett