Thursday, May 8, 2008

A trip to the pediatrician....

Ellie had a visit with Dr. Mailander this morning. :( She has been fighting a moderate fever (usually around 102-102.5) for the last three days with no other symptoms as to what may be causing it, so it was time to see Dr. Mary. Glad that we did. In addition to a very mild left ear infection, my sweet little girl has her first urinary tract infection. :( ( will appreciate this with everything you've gone though with Sara). UTI's with a moderate to high fever are something to cause a bit of concern in infants apparently, because Dr. Mailander has ordered a renal ultrasound and a VCUG (voiding cystourethrogram) which, for those of you unfamiliar with that procedure, involves the injection of contrast (a liquid that can be seen on xray) into the bladder that is then watched as it processes through her little system via x-ray. She also put Ellie on a strong antibiotic. :( Not fun. I guess she (Dr. Mailander) wants to rule out any physical abnormalities and/or the possibility of urinary reflux.

Although Ellie hasn't seemed to be feeling too badly over the last two days, today she seems to be much more affected by it all and is not looking like she feels good at all. When I put her down for her nap, her fever had climbed to 103.3 too. :( Fevers like that make me worry. But thankfully, she had her first dose of the antibiotic with lunch and some Tylenol as I put her bed, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that she will awaken feeling at-least a little better (and cooler!!!)

So, if you could just say a tiny, little prayer that she not only feels better soon, but that there aren't also any underlying problems, I would most certainly appreciate that! I'm off for now to tackle a few chores before nap time is over! I'll let you know what comes of the ultrasound...we should be scheduled for that early next week. The VCUG will have to wait until her UTI is cleared. More to come...


Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear she has a UTI! Sara and Ellie must want to experience some ailments together since Sara has her first ear infection too (right ear). We thought she also had another UTI but that actually came back clean - YEAH! We changed her soap to extra senstive with absolutely no perfumes or scents and we are three months (fingers crossed) with no UTI's. Hopefully the UTI is a fluke and you can hold off on the VCUG - it is tough to see them strapped in like that. I am sure she will be just fine - if she had major reflux it would have presented itself a lot sooner. I will be praying for a quick recovery and no reflux (or any other damage/abnormalities for that matter).


Anonymous said...

Oh sweet baby girl! As one who has experienced them, I am so sad for her! Praying that it is "just a fluke" kind of thing. And for the upcoming procedure. Hang in there, Mama. I am so grateful that you know and understand babies and medical procedures.

Anonymous said...

I too hope that it's a fluke and you won't have to proceed with a VCUG. Poor baby....I said a prayer for her and you tonight.