Sunday, May 4, 2008

Fun in the sun!

Its late Sunday night as I sit here to type. I have a twinge of the "Sunday night blues".....sad that the weekend is already over and that Ty will be heading back our for another work week. We SO love having him home with us on the weekend! Luke especially! He is ALL about Ty lately!! Each morning when we wake up, he asks me "Where's Dad today, Mom?" and we go through the same script as we do everyday about Daddy working so hard so mommy can stay home with him and that he will see Daddy come dinner time. On Friday night, as I put Luke to sleep, he asked me to stay with him a little longer to 'sing him the Jesus song." (Jesus Loves Me...although I've always sung it to him as 'Jesus loves you' ever since he was a wee bity thing in the NICU). I finished up the song and snuggled close into him, I said excitedly "Guess what?! Did you know that tomorrow is Saturday (he's really been into knowing the date and time lately) and that when you wake up, Daddy will be here?!" Luke met my enthusiasm with a loud "Yessssss!" complete with the arm motion and all! :) And boy was he delighted come Saturday morning when he crawled under the covers in between us and Daddy was there sound asleep! :) So cute! He sure loves his Daddy!

Much like other weekends, we relished time together over the past couple of days. On Saturday, we stuck close to the house, doing yard work and tending to the spare ribs and tri-tip we had cookin' in the smoker for a neighborhood BBQ later that evening. Since the weather was warm and we were planning to be outside a good part of the day, Ty and I decided it was as good a time as any to break out the new pool we bought for the kids a month or two back. Despite the chilly water, Luke could hardly wait to get those new swim trunks on and get to splashin'! He stayed in there for well over an hour and let me just tell you...that water was C-H-I-L-L-Y! Brrrr! We kept asking him if he was cold and ready to get out, and each time, despite his chattering teeth, he adamantly responded that he was not cold and wanted to stay in. So we let him. And Ellie joined him for a short little dip too. Here are just a couple of pics. Wish I had my camera nearby afterwards when we were eating lunch and his poor little tips were blue with cold! But he didn't seemed troubled by it. Crazy kid!

Later that evening, we headed over to our neighbor Kristin & Bill's house for a bbq to celebrate with our other neighbors Tabitha & Damon who will be having their second baby tomorrow morning. (Yes...she thankfully made it to term, despite all the trouble she had early on!!) We are so lucky to have such friendly neighbors! We had a great time with them, and the kids all love playing together too!

Today we had a birthday party to go to in the morning and then it was home for the rest of the day (minus my short jaunt out for a photo shoot late in the afternoon). When I came home, Luke entertained himself in the backyard for nearly an hour by fishing out all the bugs that had drowned themselves in our new little pool. :) He is SOOOO into bugs lately! "Which kind is this one, Mommy??"

We took a short walk after dinner and once the kids were in bed, it was time for Ty and I to pay some bills, do a little 'puter work and for me to blog just a bit before bed. And speaking of is now much later than I thought, so I had better get my tail upstairs! Monday is just around the corner and I need my energy for a full week ahead! Hope you all enjoyed a blessed weekend like we did! Nighty-night!

1 comment:

Kelli said...

I remember those Sunday night blues...still have them occasionally when Rob's working on set late. Don't you wish we could all just be together 24/7 and still live the lifestyle that we lead? Let's win the lottery!!! :)

Cute pics of the kids in the pool. We haven't broken ours out yet for Brayden but am sure that like Luke, we won't be able to get him out of it very easily.