Saturday, May 10, 2008

First solo show....

So I lied about not being back before next week. :) Just had to post about Luke's special outing last night. We called it his 'date' with his cousins and Aunt Jenn (and Grandma too!) It is Great Y Circus time around our parts, and so my mom and sister were gracious enough to take all the kids for one of the first evening performances. Luke was SOOOO excited all day about going. I had been preparing him for some time that he would be going to the circus without Mommy or Daddy...that this would be his special date with his cousins. He seemed completely unconcerned with this idea, much to my surprise. I guess my little boy is growing up! As he awoke from a late nap, his eyes were bright with anticipation and excitement. Aunt Jenn was due to pick him up around 5:30, so we tanked him up with some dinner and got him all 'spiffied up' for his big night out.

Since it was a special occasion, he asked for a splash of Daddy's cologne, which we allow for very special events, and oh my goodness!!! You should have seen the look of pride on his face (I think it was mixed with a tab bit of embarrassment too!) as he picked out one of Daddy's colognes and I sprayed it every so gingerly on his neck!!! I always make a HUGE deal out of things like that, so he feels so special on days like this! He soaks it up!!!!! After his hair was combed and he was smelling scrumptiously, we made our way downstairs to grab his tickets and some money for a special treat to eat during the show. Once he got his hands on those tickets and that crisp $5 bill, he was NOT about to let them go! He was holding on for dear life, it seemed and antsy with excitement until Aunt Jenn arrived. Of-course, knowing me, I couldn't let the event go by without taking a picture! He was being so silly, as you can see here!

This was really the first time he has ever gone out to a show without Ty or I (we haven't even taken him to his first movie yet), so it was quite a big deal around our house! He went to a puppet show one afternoon a few months back with my mom for an hour, but going at night (the show began at 7pm!) and going with his cousins to a 2 1/2 hour show seems so much different to me! As Jenn came to the door to pick him up, his excitement momentarily turned to fear and he welled up with tears at the thought of leaving. I was able to talk him through it though, by assuring him that he would be home in time for bed that evening and that Mommy and Daddy would be here waiting for him when he got back. I think maybe he thought he was leaving overnight or something. As soon as he got buckled into the car beside Kailyn, his tears turned to giggles and apparently the rest of the night went swimmingly and he had a BLAST!

While Luke was out for the evening, Ty and I decided to take advantage of having one less kiddo and headed out for a bite to eat. Ellie was an absolute angel at the restaurant and Ty and I reminisced about how different it was with just one. LOL! We shopped around a bit after dinner and headed home when Ellie was too tired to take much more. Being that it was a Friday, Ty and I were both zonked out on the couch as we waited for Luke to get home. As I was laying there, blurry-eyed in front of the tv sometime around 10pm, I could foresee myself in about 14 years doing the exact same thing as I waited for Luke to return from a date or something. LOL! It was a little strange to be 'waiting up' for my 3 year old to return home!!! But return home he 10:45!!!! Phew! Late night! Needless to say, we all headed straight for bed with promises to hear all about the circus show come morning! He seemed to have a fantastic time and hasn't stopped talking about it all morning. Thanks Aunt Jenn and Grandma! He had a blast!!

PS....So not to leave Ellie out of the pictures today, I thought I'd post these...I was playing around yesterday with a fancy camera I'm borrowing from my brother-in-law and caught Ellie being her adorable self! You wouldn't know she was sick, would ya?! And did you notice those teeth???

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