Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Eating machine

We just finished dinner and I just had to blog, if only to log for myself how much sweet Ellie can eat! And eat she does...ANYTHING I put in front of her, aside from cottage cheese. That is the only thing she has ever refused from me. Tonight she had beets for the first time and loved them. Weird child! Ty and I wouldn't eat beets, but I bought a can to see what Ellie thought. They're not too shabby, apparently! I seriously think Ellie has a hollow leg! For dinner tonight, she ate 3/4 of a string cheese, 3 grapes (sliced in teeny, tiny pieces), 4 slices of beets, several smaller bites of the chicken we were dining on, a whole yo-baby yogurt AND 5 baby spoonfuls of those delicious baked beans we had last night for dinner! And....in spite of all that food, she fussed at me when I told her we were on done, as if to tell me she was still hungry. She even searched her bib pocket for pieces she might have missed along the way and gobbled up any 'leftovers' as I finished cleaning up the kitchen!!!! And you wonder why her cheeks are so big!!! Crazy kiddo! How vastly different you are than your brother!!!

BTW....Still not sure what this morning's behavior was all about. After a 3 hour, 45 minute nap this afternoon, Ellie woke up happy and 'normal'. Hmph. I'm still betting she will wake up snotty nosed or something in the morning. Guess we'll see. I see no teeth on the horizon either. But I guess you never know!

1 comment:

Kelli said...

I wish Brayden would eat anything we put in front of him. He is a picky eater! I hope Ellie keeps her open mouth, er mind, in the future too.