Thursday, May 22, 2008

Beautiful Disaster

My calendar says that it is May 22, however the weather today would indicate otherwise. As the kids were napping this afternoon, thunder began to roll off in the distance and rain began pattering at my window as I sat here at the computer. "Ahhhh...I love the rain!" I thought. But soon, that pattering of rain and the low rumble of thunder turned into a loud roar, as kidney-bean-sized hail pounded our house and thunder ripped through the sky. Luke was soon awakened by the ruckus and together we sat in our family, watching the beautiful disaster that ensued outside. Beautiful because it looks as if it has snowed for quite awhile, but disastrous because our once beautiful landscape has now been ripped to shreds by the hail storm.

Ironic, isn't it, with the pool sitting there. We were just sitting in that pool this weekend, when the temperatures reached 103 degrees!

During the storm, this is what my thermometer read....the top number is the outside temp, the middle is the inside temp. and the time is there, but it is incorrect. It was 3:45pm
I couldn't hardly open the sliding glass door and screen to take this photo....the hail was already up to the lip of the door and had frozen solid! There was a sweet and spicy aroma that filled the air though when I opened the door. and lingers in our house now as I type! It smells delightful! Unfortunately for me that it arises from the shredding of leaves and plants. It does smell yummy though!

I am so sad as I sit here, still watching the rain and hail fall outside as lighting streaks through the window. Our yard is all but destroyed. My roses!!! My blooming, beautiful roses look like someone took a machete to the leaves, and our little potted garden, with its peppers that were just flowering and ready to fruit are now leaf-less. All of our larger trees have piles of leaves around their bases from the hail ripping through them! Here is what our herb planter looks like. There was basil and chives growing there...
By the way...that planter sits on bricks that are at-least an inch off the can barely see them. Man! Do we live in Colorado, or what?! This is NOT So Cal weather!

I am so dissappointed. All of our hard work in our yard feels completely wasted now. I feel like crying. :( And the thunder continues to roll......


Kelli said...

It was very bizarre weather today wasn't it! It poured twice at my office and then lightning caused our phones and internet to go down. Just 10 miles away at my home it rained a few times with rolling thunder and lightning, but was dry when I pulled up around 6pm. Sounds like you guys really got the bad stuff. Sorry to hear about that.

Anonymous said...

I actually teared up for you! Your yard was so beautiful!

I hope the rest of the memorial day weekend is much brighter.
