Friday, May 9, 2008

Better today

Ellie awoke this morning with only a low grade fever (100ish) and she seemed to be feeling better than she was last night. Phew! Last night was BAD! :( Poor little girl.....she was feeling so terrible! is a new day and those antibiotics have begun their work. She is still a bit less tolerant to certain things that normally don't bother her (like Luke taking a way a toy she is playing with, me walking out of her sight, or laying her down to change her diaper) so I know that means she is still feeling a bit under the weather, but there is marked improvement. I think tomorrow will be even better for her.

With this weekend being Mother's Day and all, I'm guessing that this will be the last time you hear from me until early next week. I hope that all of you Mommys out there have a much deserved break on Sunday and enjoy an abundance of love as it is reflected back to you from your family! You are all such phenomenal moms!! Happy Mother's Day, my friends!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To you too, Happy Mother's Day. Glad to hear Ellie is feeling better. See you next week!