Thursday, November 8, 2007

Meeting Maddie....

Today Ellie got to meet her new buddy friend Laura's little girl. She is just 5 and a half weeks younger than Miss Ellie, and I'm sure they are destined to be good friends...just as her mommy and I are. :) Laura came up to join me for a good, long walk and some lunch. It was really our first chance at hanging out since the kiddos have been born. We had a good time! And of-course, Ellie and Madeline's first encounter wouldn't have been complete without some pictures of the two of them. Wanna see?

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Sarah, isn't that such a Laura look on Maddie's face?! :) Too cute!

In other news, we are FINALLY getting grass in our backyard tomorrow!!!!!!! Only ELEVEN months after we moved in!!! I cannot begin to tell you just how excited I am about this! All that dirt back there has been such a pain all this time! Keeping a house clean with a dog, a toddler who loves to play in the dirt and the amount of wind we get up here at times is quite a challenge! Grass will be such a welcome relief!! The sod will be delivered bright & early in the morning and Ty and I will begin laying it as soon as he gets home from work (he gets off at noon tomorrow). Thankfully, his mom is coming up to help keep Luke occupied and Ellie happy while we work. With the time change and all, we'll only have a few hours of daylight as it is. this time tomorrow, I'm hoping we'll have a semi-complete backyard. Can't wait!!!!

Thanks to all of you who have said such encouraging things about this new 'do' of mine. You might just be trying to help me feel better about it, and I have to say its working. :) I feel a little more used to it now and I'm not so shocked every time I look in the mirror. Its growing on me. :)

As for the weekend, there is a lot to look forward to. On Saturday we are taking Luke out to "A Day with Thomas the Train". He'll get to see and ride in a real life-size Thomas the Train and see all of Thomas's friends. He is SO into Thomas the Train right now and going on Saturday has been ALL he has been talking about. Its been pretty cute...the first words out of his mouth both first thing in the morning and right after he wakes from his naps have been "Is it time to go see Thomas now??!!!!" I don't think I've ever seen him quite so excited about something before! It should be a lot of fun! And then on Sunday afternoon, we will drive down to San Diego for the closing ceremonies of the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer 3-day walk for the cure. Krystal has been training nearly all year and is walking the 60 miles this weekend to raise money for breast cancer research. She has worked really hard and met her goal of raising the $2200 necessary to participate, so we're heading down to show her our support. Please, if you wouldn't mind....keep her in your prayers this weekend. 60 miles is A LOT of walking...pray that it all goes well for her!

And that, my friends, is about all I have time for tonight. Time for some sleep. We've got a busy few days ahead of us! I'll leave you though, with one last shot I took of Luke today....he just looked sweet. A world of difference from the terrible-two's we've seen lately! :)

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Anonymous said...

So, I asked the girls at work and they all think you make a beautiful blonde but make an even prettier brunette. xoxoox Jenny

Anonymous said...

The pics of Maddie and Ellie are so cute! And YAY! for grass! It WILL make quite a difference.
