Monday, November 19, 2007

Luke has decided to share....

...his cold, that is. :( And the weekend was a little botched because of it, but that's just how it goes. Ellie ended up waking up Saturday morning (after sleeping completely through the night again....7pm to 6:15am!!) with a running nose and sneezing. Her spirits were good, but she was obviously getting sick too. Poor sweetie. And Luke spent most of Saturday wiped out in front of the tv...not wanting to do much other than watch cartoons in his pj's. That's totally unlike him! He loves to be up playing, even while watching television. But that day, you could tell he felt punky and sick. He was running a low-grade fever and his little cheeks were flushed pink. So.....I had to call my friend Kelli and cancel our trip out to her home in Burbank for Brayden's first birthday party. A big bummer!

So we opted to work around the house mostly...getting things ready for Thanksgiving and planting a few plants out front. Then, once the kids were bathed, fed and ready for bed, Ty and I got to steal away for our first real date since sometime before Ellie was born 3+ months ago. Gloria came to stay with the kids, and we went to BJ's for dinner and drinks (I got to enjoy a beer...or two!) :) and we just relished having some time to talk. We lingered a long time at the restaurant, chatting about life, the kids and our own growing up. It was so, so, so nice! I really have missed having time like that with my husband....just time to reconnect, ya know?!

Sunday started off quite optimistically, with plans to work in the yard, seal the concrete in the dog run so that Tess can begin using it, enjoy a visit from my parents,and wash the cars. But when Ty ventured out back first thing in the morning and found a soggy mud puddle near the corner of the house, our optimistic plans of getting lots done that day turned into a frustrating few hours of trying to repair what appeared to be a broken sprinkler line. :( Poor Ty was so frustrated; having worked incredibly hard laying all those sprinklers and sod, only to find it now damaged. :( After some digging, he was able to locate (and repair) the problem. Apparently, he had 'dry-fit' the sprinklers together before gluing everything, but forgot to glue just one piece, which ended up pulling apart and soaking the ground through and through. Literally, if you stand on the sod in the area of the leak, it is squishy, squishy, squishy! Ewww. Hopefully, it will dry out over the next week or two and the sod will be no worse for wear. We hope!

As the day progressed yesterday, Ty and I both started in with this silly cold too. :( He just called a few minutes ago and said he is feeling feverish and achy. How horrible it is to have to continue to work when he feels so yucky! I just have the sore throat end of it at this point....maybe...just won't progress much further. Again, we can only hope. With a busy week ahead, it's a rotten time to be ill.

Well...its time to get Ellie back in bed for her morning nap and to fix some breakfast for Luke and I. Hopefully, by my next post, we'll all be on the road to good health! :)


Anonymous said...

I am so sorry you guys are not feeling well. It is the worst to be sick around the holidays. I guess that is part of the joy of having kids - sharing their illnesses!! I hope you are able to have a wonderful Thanksgiving.


Anonymous said...

I just got over having laryngitis. HELLO, can you say working in the medical field stinks sometimes. Rich got a HUGE kick out of me not talking. Do you think that means I'm a motor mouth? By the way...the pics of your kids are beautiful!!!! xoxo Jenny

Anonymous said...

We definitely missed you guys at Brayden's party. I hope this cold clears up for you all very soon.

Thanks to Brayden's caregivers at daycare, he now has a cold too. Fun! Fun!

Happy Thanksgiving!
