Wednesday, October 31, 2007

What happen to the blogging???

Have you been wondering where I've been for the last week? Trapped in my own private toddler-tantrum-hell....that's where. :( Blegh! sweet angel of a boy must've decided that he wanted to be Oscar the Grouch for Halloween and thought he'd better act the part too...two weeks early! Since even before I posted my newest montage last week (did you like that, by the way?), Luke has been more than a handful for me. Tantrums, whining, fits, name it, he's been doing it. Where did my child go?????? Could someone please return him to me? I miss him.

I don't have time to go into the detail right now (its Halloween after all, and let's be honest...if you've talked to me on the phone this week, you already heard my plight!), but lets just say that his behavior lately has been enough to cause me to seriously question my parenting skills. Its crazy how such a young child can make you feel like such a failure! I've shed more than a few tears this week and had several 'breakdown' moments with Ty after the screaming has ceased from atop the stairwell each night at bedtime. :( So.....with all that happening 'round here, I haven't had either the time, nor the energy to sit and blog. His mood seems to have been better the last two days, after Ty and I decided on an improved, super-consistent, no-nonsense discipline plan. Not that we haven't been consistent in disciplining him, but sometimes there would be different consequences for the same offense (i.e. sometimes he would get a time-out for hitting or kicking, while other times, if the same offense was serious enough, he might get a swat on the hand or bum). Now however, the consequence will be the same each matter what. And I'm throwing out my futile attempts to reason with him. I was doing much too much of that; thinking that because he is so bright, he was capable of being reasoned with. The truth of the matter is though, that he is still only 2 and a half. Reasoning typically doesn't work. Don't know why I thought it would. I, of all people, should know that.

So......all that to say I'm sorry to have gone MIA for over a week. I'm sure I'll have some cute Halloween pictures to share in the coming days, so be on a look out for those. As for now, I am off to dress my little Lukey Long Legs in his spider costume and head out the door to Grandma's work, then Meemaw's house and then to our friend Tami's house for dinner and trick-or-treating. Phew! Its a busy afternoon for us! Hope you all have a safe Halloween! I'll be looking for pictures from the rest of you know who you are! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know what they say "terrible 2's" I'm just sorry it's happening to you. Things will get better. You both are wonderful people and I am certain, FANTASTIC parents. Hope things get better for ya. Can't wait to see the pics. XO Jenny