Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Maybe the number of the day today is EIGHT, because that's how many hours Ellie slept last night! :) Technically, according to Babywise, eight hours is considered sleeping through the night! Now, I'm not going to move ahead and say she is officially sleeping through the night just yet....I need to see a few more repeats of last night first, but I think we're close! She wasn't in her bed all those eight hours either, so that's another thing that keeps me from being too excited (although I am pretty darn happy!). She had fallen asleep in her swing after I fed her at 6:15 and she snoozed through our dinner and Luke's bath. She never really woke again. I tried to feed her before officially putting her to bed around 8:15, but she was too drowsy to take more than a sip or two. So off to bed it was, and I didn't hear from her again until 3am. Ironically, I woke up around 1:40, knowing that I hadn't heard from her in awhile and went to check on her...just to be sure she was still breathing.....she did have all those shots yesterday ya know, and was out of sort all day yesterday, so I was a little worried. She was fine...sleeping like a log. When she stirred at 3, she ate just on one side and then it was off to sleep again and then her wake time wasn't until 6:50 this morning. Amazing. I actually got a FULL night's sleep last night and feel so well rested this morning. Loving that!! Ty had to be up at his normal Wednesday time of 3:45 (isn't that horrible!!!) , so we were in bed by 9:15....meaning that I was technically in bed (and asleep most of that time) for almost 10 hours! How awesome is that! I certainly needed the sleep...I think I've been trying to fight off a tiny cold. But this morning, I am refreshed and energized.....and hopeful of another good night of sleep tonight! :)


Anonymous said...

WOW! 8 hours! I'll cross my fingers that she follows that trend going forward.

(I started blogging again, btw)

Anonymous said...

Kris~I am always reading! I actually look forward to it. SLT during the time when it gets cold to the time when it actually snows isn't much fun, so this gives me something to do inside! Your family is BEAUTFUL! I am so happy for you Kris. Good things happen to good people. You are by far the GOOD people! I hope the next time I am down there we can get together. I am scared to be a mommy to a puppy, let alone to a baby. You make it look so natural. Keep blogging and I will keep reading. XOXO Jenny