Friday, July 18, 2008

Where do they go????

Where do they days and the weeks go? Time is flying past me in record time! I hardly blink and the day is gone already and then *poof* there goes the week! I told Ty yesterday afternoon that I could hardly believe that it was 5pm already, because it seemed like it was just 5am and I was rising for the day. It seemed impossible that twelve hours had passed, but they had. Busy days. Full life. I love it!
Ellie turned 11 months old this week. Just a short 4 week countdown until her first birthday. That is hard for me to believe! Talk about time flying! I've been looking through her pictures from this year and marveling at how she has grown and changed, and also feeling a little melancholy about how quickly the time has passed us by. There most certainly are times when I long for those early days of her newbie-ness back. :) Just snuggling her on my chest and breathing in the sweet, sweet smell of her skin. Mmmmmm. I remember it so well right now! But I guess that with that stage came waking several times a night to feed her, which meant exhaustion for me. I don't miss that part much! LOL!
All that is certainly not to say that I don't completely adore the stage she is at right now. I absolutely do! In fact, I've always said that I think I love each new stage more than the previous one, and that still rings true now. She is such a doll! She is crawling like a pro now...sometimes faster than lightning...and beginning to learn to pull up on things, although she can only get to her knees right now. She will stand if we place her next to something, but cries when she's ready to get down and can't figure out how to accomplish the feat! :) She is babbling continuously too, which I just can't get enough of and she will hold entire conversations with you if you are a willing participant. And while I haven't officially tacked down her first word because she doesn't always say them in context, she says mama, dada and uh-oh now. But like I said, they are not usually in context or directed at the correct person.
I so often marvel at how different Luke and Ellie are at similar stages. Because of Luke's preemieness, he didn't do things 'by the book' was always later or earlier (as with crawling) or in some other fashion that didn't quite match up to what other kids were doing. He did everything he was 'supposed to' (and of-course we all know he turned out just fine!) but it was rarely in the normal sequence. But Ellie is by the book, to the letter it seems. And I find that I really LOVE that! Luke hardly babbled and didn't enjoy the conversing side of learning to speak (funny now that he won't be quiet! LOL!) . He learned to crawl sooner than Ellie, but took a long time to progress to the next stage. Feeding times for him were such a challenge, as was getting to him to sleep, but Ellie is a breeze! She still has not met a food she didn't like (she is up to 20 lbs, btw!!) and when I lay her in her crib for sleep, she snuggles into her bright pink Snuggie and goes right to sleep....13 hours at night, 1-2 hours in the morning and 2-3 hours in the afternoon! Praise God!! A great sleeper AND a great eater! How did I make out so well???!! God just must've known that those were the two things that caused me the most anxiety and stress with Luke and that the second time around would be the biggest blessing to have go smoothly! Thank you, Lord!!!
I just have to tell you as I close this post, that I LOVE MY KIDS! (Like you didn't know that!) This week, for whatever reason, has just been such a nice one with them and I feel so incredibly fortunate to be their mommy and to be home with them! There really is no place that I would rather be!!! How privileged I am to watch as they pass through each and every be with them so often that I cannot notice how they grow until I look back through the images of be the one(s) to mold their little spirits and hearts into loving, well-rounded individuals. What could be more precious than that? My heart sings with delight at them this morning!
Teehehehe...and as I typed those very words, I giggle as the next thought is "Now let's just hope that I feel that way at the end of the weekend when Ty gets back!" LOL! He will be out of town this weekend, so I will be flying solo for the next few days. I'll have to let you know if my delight is still so vibrant come Sunday afternoon! LOL! Have a great weekend, friends!

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