Thursday, July 24, 2008

First Movie

Luke and I had a date today...just him, Mommy and our buddy Hudson. Ellie stayed with Meemaw (Ty's mom) while I took two of my favorite boys to the show. Our local movie theatre does $1 kid movies every Thursday in the summer. Today was Bee Movie. Hudsy had seen it before (and been to the theatre before too, I think) but for Luke, this was a whole new experience! His first movie! We have been talking it up for this was Luke's special time with Mommy (Hudson coming along was kinda a last minute add-on in light of all that is going on. I thought it would be a nice break for him!) and when Luke awoke this morning, his first question was "Is today the movie day??!" He could hardly wait to get there!

The boys LOVED it!!! Both were delightfully well behaved, and just sat so still, one next to the other as the movie began. They nibbled on popcorn and M&M's as they giggled at different parts, and Hudson would lean over occasionally to whisper " ''s gonna......" and then he would 'prepare' us for what was coming next. It was super cute! They both took turns crawling up into my lap to snuggle, which I, of-course soaked up! At one point, while Luke was on my lap, Hudson even reached across the seat to hold my hand. :) Awwww.....such sweet boys they are!!!!

About 45 minutes into the show, both boys began to get a little squirmy in their seats and I quietly wondered if we might have to leave before it was over. But their attention remained on the movie for the most part and they made it through to the end! I was so proud of them and so happy that they did so well! We made a pit stop before leaving and ended up playing in the little arcade for a spell, and both boys were not very happy with me when it came time to leave!
:( They would have played there together all day if I had let them! All in all, it was a great movie experience, and I relished not only some one on one time with Luke, but also some moments with Hudson as well! He seems to be doing very well with all that is going on. He spoke a little bit about Angel as we drove...he told me about how he got to see him the other day in the 'hopstl' and how he (Angel) was sleeping. He enthusiastically told me about his tube in his mouth (ventilator) being taken out too and how he couldn't wait to see him again! Sweet, precious boy!

I wanted to let each of you know that Sarah has a new website up to provide updates and such. You can now check in on your own for information on Angel and how to help! It is

I am off for now to prepare for the weekend. We get to have a fun weekend away at Lake Havasu with Krystal, Will and the kids! Luke is SOOOO looking forward to riding in a boat...another new experience for him! And Ty and I are desperate for some time to relax. It should be fun!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the links and wonderful updates! I am glad they were able to figure out a good way to get contributions - it will be easy on everyone that way. It sounds like you have an amazing weekend coming up - Enjoy!!

Can't wait to see you in a couple weeks.

Kristin said...

Thanks Amy, for the help you offered....they appreciated it a lot! Still working on another account too, I think. Looking forward to seeing you guys too!