Sunday, July 20, 2008

The journey has begun....

Please pray!!!!!! I just read an update from Sarah that they received a call from UCLA last night around 2:30am that there are organs available for Angel. They are there now, as I type. There is a possibility that, once they arrive, the doctors will determine that the organs are not a "good" match, but there is also a good chance that he is in surgery as I type. I am shaking and in tears as I type....can hardly form my words. If/ when he is in surgery, it will last approximately 16 hours. Hudson is at home with Sarah's parents and there are so many details left to be worked out. They covet your prayers for EACH one of them right now. I will post more as I become aware. I think I am in shock......

**UPDATE*** 8:45am
Just read another update from Sarah. They are at UCLA, waiting. They are in a room on the pediatric Hematology/Oncology floor, waiting for orders or what it to come next. They have done some preliminary tests this morning (EKG, xrays, etc) but that is all so far. The organs (liver, bowel and pancreas) are coming from a donor in New York.....and on that side of it means that someone there lost a loved one yesterday. :( Please pray for them as well. Sarah and Nick still do not yet know if the organs are going to be 'good' and if they ARE, when surgery will be, so at this moment, they must just wait.....and pray. We all will be doing the same from here.

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