Thursday, March 6, 2008


Man! I feel like such a blog slacker lately. I'm sitting here at the computer, after spending the last 60 minutes filling out the pages and pages of forms to apply for new health insurance (yes, we are switching AGAIN 'cause our current one sucks REALLY bad!) and now that I am done, I know that I probably have something to share here, but honestly nothing comes to mind...except this mindless babble I'm typing now. I just feel like I'm in such a blogging rut lately! There are definitely things going on in our stories about the kids, exciting three-year-old adventures every day...the normal day to day life stuff. But honestly, none of it seems all that interesting or blog-worthy to anyone else but me. So, I slack on blogging. Sorry, folks. We DO stay pretty busy, I swear! But hearing about how my laundry from Monday's laundry day is STILL sitting in various stages of completion in the dryer, laundry room, and each of our bedrooms just really isn't that interesting. I need some inspiration! Help!


Anonymous said...

Did you get to plant your roses and do more gardening?

Did Ty like his birthday meal and have a decently good day (besides having to work a loooong day)?

How's Luke doing on his little bike? Does he still have the training wheels on?

Have you seen the previews for Horton hears a I wish Brayden was old enough to enjoy movies so we could take him to it.

Hopefully this gives you a little something....


Heidi Crocker said...

Ditto with the questions Kelli asked.

Also, Are you and Ellie excited to come up and see us?? (We are so excited to see you guys.)

How are Diana and Abby doing?

Hope you are doing well and am looking forward to seeing you in person to catch up instead of on the phone or by reading your blog...and no I haven't done anymore on our blog.....sad isn't it? of these days.


Anonymous said...

I just caught up from missing your blog over the past several weeks. Sorry to hear about the fraud. I hope that's resolved easily for you. And you and Ellie with the bottle issue, I'm so sorry. I feel your pain. Kennedy was the same way, wouldn't take bottles and a very distracted nurser. She continued to gain weight, so I never was concerned and she was a petite one, only weighing in at 16 pounds at a year old. My doc and I decided she was just a small kiddo. Don't worry about it too much, as long as she's growing, she's getting what she needs! Loved the story about Luke and the milk...Kennedy has recently been trying that with just air in her cheeks...can't wait for the milk! Glad to check in and say hello and hear how you are doing. Even if you don't have much to write it's still fun to read, you're such a good writer! Talk soon, Kris.
I'll also send you an email, requesting to be on your invite list. I love to stay in touch.