Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Hitting the open road....

Tomorrow afternoon, Ellie and I will be taking our first road trip together. (Luke and Ty get to have a boys weekend together here at home.) My life long-friend Heidi is throwing a first birthday bash for her sweet, adorable son Brandon on Saturday, and since I hadn't been up that way since last year when this picture was taken...
Pregnant Girls
...I decided there was no better time to make the trip. I'm excited! I will get to stay with Amy, her husband Nate and baby Sara in their new home in Sacramento, and we will drive out to Heidi's for the party on Saturday. And although I will spend quite a lot of time driving, it will be so nice to be with my girlfriends for awhile and let our kids play all together for the first time!

So, after Luke's nap tomorrow, I'll drop him off at my parent's house for the evening, and Ellie and I will take to the road. Hopefully, I will have timed the trip to align with her nap time and bedtime. She usually takes a two hour nap in the afternoon, so I will try to keep her up as much as possible before we leave in hopes that she can nap in the car. Hopefully I can make it at-least halfway before dark and stop for a quick dinner/pit stop before continuing on. And hopefully Ellie will sleep for the night as she usually does after about 7pm. We'll see. Please just say a little prayer for a safe trip, if you would. I will be back sometime Sunday afternoon and I'll try to post some pictures early in the week. Until then, have a great weekend, friends!

1 comment:

bennett baby blog said...

have a safe trip! hope you have a great time. it's always fun to spend time with girlfriends!