Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Bronchitis, Pneumonia AND and ear infection!

So you know how Luke's been sick with that mysterious fever that transformed into a cough and cold last week? Well, on Sunday, his little cough became pretty nasty and his poor little congestion was terrible, with yucky, really green boogies. On Monday, I almost called the doctor for a sick-child appointment, but decided against it when Luke seemed a little better mid-day and was still active and playful. But by Monday evening around dinner time, Luke had hardly eaten a bite of food ALL day, was reluctant to drink even his favorite juice and at dinner, started touching his right ear and telling us "owies". His lungs sounded horrible and gunky and by bath time, his fever had returned. :( My poor kiddo. I was pretty certain he had an ear infection. I gave him some Motrin and some decongestant for bedtime and he slept pretty well until about 12:30am when the Motrin had worn off. He awoke crying, thrashing around in his crib and when I came to him and asked if he wanted me to hold him, he climbed up into my arms so quickly, as if he was telling me "Take it away, Momma!" He cried a bit as we rocked there in the dark and he asked for more "med-cin" for his ear. Once the Motrin kicked in again, he slept through until morning, but he awoke again crabby, although not tugging at his ear anymore. I called for a same-day-sick-child visit and we were seen right before lunch. And thank goodness! Upon listening to his chest, the doctor said that he definitely has bronchitis and a slight pneumonia on the right side. She also said that his right ear looked "horrible"....retracted, inflamed and just "nasty". Poor child! The crazy thing is that you really wouldn't know it by lookin' at him! Yes, he was coughing, and snotty nosed, and yes, his cheeks were very pink with fever and from hacking. But he continued to be playful and active...he spent the morning playing with his toys and even running around my bedroom as I got ready. The only thing that he ever does to let on that he feels stinky is that he pretty much refuses to eat. Yesterday for breakfast he refused the bowl of oatmeal he had requested and ate maybe a half of a yogurt. For lunch, he only played with his chicken and applesauce, and then for snack ate maybe 2 tablespoons of peanut butter and 1 cracker. Same with dinner. :( BUT MAN! This kid is tough as nails! If you've ever had an ear infection, you know how incredibly painful they are, and I know that bronchitis and pneumonia make you feel terrible. My kiddo must just have an incredibly high pain tolerance!! He's one tough cookie! Here are a couple of pics from Monday and Tuesday, when he was at his worst! Looks like a sick kiddo, huh!

Playing in his firetruck:
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Goofing off with Daddy(who's inside the truck) before bed...this was the night his ear started hurting! They were throwing toys (gently, of-course) in and out of the firetruck at each other:
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And last....wearing Daddy's underwear around his head before our trip to the doctor (like the bed-head???):
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Looks like a kid with brochitis, right?!

The doctor placed him on Zithromax (all cillin's are banned now since we had that fun allergic reaction last winter!Remember this?
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And today, Luke is on the mend. When he woke up this morning and I asked him how his ear felt he said "bedder". cute! The brightness in his eyes seems to be back and he just seems more himself. I'm so glad! We headed out this morning to pass the good news of my pregnancy on to my boss and coworkers and hung around the hospital a bit visiting. Then it was on to Target for diapers and some necessities and now we are home for the afternoon! It's gloomy and drizzly today, so it's a perfect afternoon for some lounging around! I think I'm finally going to be brave enough to bust out the finger paints Luke got for Christmas! I know he'll enjoy that! We tested out the Play-doh last week and it was a BIG hit! Maybe he can make an artistic creation for Daddy! We'll see! It's Ty's late night (he won't get home until 9 or 9:30!) so we have to keep ourselves busy this afternoon! The day DRAGS on if we don't!

Tomorrow is our three-time rescheduled play date with Luke's new friend Rachel and Friday is our first Parent-Child movement class at the Yucaipa community center, so we're looking forward to those! Gotta make sure we're all healthy! Not sure what to expect from the class, but it supposed to be kind-of focused on toddler tumbling, so that should be fun!

I'm off now to prepare for our finger-painting session! Until next time.....

Oh, that reminds me....just outta are ya'll liking the new blog? Are you checking in more often now that I'm posting more? Did you know that you can add comments or just say hello by hitting the "Comments" button at the bottom of the blog???? (hint...hint!) :) The only two people I KNOW are checking in fairly regularly are my mom and Kristin.....(thanks, guys!) Send me some 'lovin' via the comment page, would ya??? :)


Kristin said...

Wow...that's a doozy of an illness. Hope he's already on the road to recovery. What a trooper!

Anonymous said...

Hi there...just wanted to let you know that I was checking in on ya! Yep, I do like the new blog and check it often! It's nice that you update it so much! So on to your poor (but tough) sick boy. :( I hope he feels better!! Talk to you soon! (((Hugs))) to you all!

Jamie Corbett said...

It's been a few days since I've checked, but I do check in! I really like this blog a lot!