Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Sick Boy...

My Lukie is sick today. :( Every night before I head to bed, I always pop into his room to tuck him under his covers and make sure all is well. Well...last night, I walked into his room and I saw that he had his Snuggie (his little blanket) up over his face. The second he heard a noise, he pulled the Snuggie off and was wide awake. His little face was tomato red and upon feeling his forehead, he was burning up! Sure enough....102.0! He WAS pretty cranky and irritable all day, especially during our errands where he threw a little fit at each place we stopped. He napped for a long time yesterday too....all signs he's fighting something. The question is WHAT? I unwrapped him from his covers and carried him downstairs last night for some Motrin and half of a pedialyte popsicle to help cool him. Then, it was back to bed. At 3am, when I woke up to check on him, he felt cool and normal to the touch, but when he woke up this morning, his temp. was back up to 102.7! He's still acting pretty normally...asking to read books right from the start this morning, and interested in watching his precious Elmo on Sesame Street. :) So, I'm a little baffled. No runny nose, no coughing, no tummy troubles. Just a fever. Weird. I expect that something else will surface later today. We'll see. We had plans to stop by the hospital and talk to my boss and then take Laura to lunch, but I'm thinking that will have to be rescheduled for tomorrow. Bummer. Hoping he's feeling better soon and that WE all don't catch whatever it is!


Kristin said...

I'm sorry the little guy is sick. That's always rough. Hope YOU stay healthy.

Anonymous said...

I check your blog daily...keep up the good work.

Stay healthy and get as much rest as you can...we'll see you soon!

Kelli (Spence)