Tuesday, July 7, 2009

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday

Just to get myself a little caught up and not have to spend too much time typing, I thought I'd do a recap of Ellie's first plane trip to see Heidi and Amy in the form of photos. For those of you on Facebook, you've probably already seen all these, but oh well!
We had a WONDERFUL 5 day visit to northern California, and Ellie did amazingly well on the airplane! She LOVED to gaze out the window and marveled at each new thing she saw! It was so nice to spend time with my girlfriends, and have our kids get to know each other a bit better!

Here's a few shots of her during our 2 hour wait in the airport! She LOVED to watch the planes, and she basked in all the attention the other travelers gave her as she jogged up and down the hallways of the airport! :)

After settling in and getting a good night sleep, we all headed to the park the next day. This is the only shot I was able to get of all three of them sitting still and smiling! I feat in and of itself when you're dealing with three two year olds (or almost two, in Ellie's case.) BTW, remember they are all about 10 weeks apart in age...Brandon turned 2 in March, Sara in May and Ellie in August. :)

Bath time!

Ellie modeling her first pair of sunglasses :) Little diva....

A little water play...

This child LOVES the water!

One afternoon, we headed to a neat park that has some awesome water features!

Unfortunately, I forgot Ellie's suit, but that didn't stop her from cooling off! :)

After leaving early on a Thursday morning, we arrived back home after 8pm on a Monday. Ty and Luke met us at the airport and after a bite to eat, we headed for home. I had missed my boys SO much, but I was so grateful to have had those several days to just enjoy Ellie. We spent lots of time playing, cuddling and just being together! We snuggled together under the covers in bed each morning and I could tell that her little heart was full having mommy's undivided attention! I found myself falling more and more in love with her each day we were away! It was definitely a special trip! :)

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