Sunday, February 22, 2009

Bringing you up to speed....


That's been the goal of life these days. And that will be the goal of this post as well. :)

Since it has been more than a week since my last post, its hard to recall the details of past 7 days. Our trip to the snow on Valentine's Day was AWESOME...I DO remember that! Ellie LOVED it, though it was a bit tough for her to walk in it! She had no qualms about plopping herself down in the snow and exploring. She even tried a bite or two! :) I have a TON of video of the day, but little time now to sort through it. So here are just a few, VERY simple pictures taken from the video camera, since I (unfortunately!) left the real deal at home! :)

Luke had a blast in the snow too! The FIRST thing he did was plop himself down in it to make a snow angel! :) The video of that is cute, I'm sure! After playing for an hour or so, we were a bit chilled and headed in for some hot cocoa and treats! :) Mmmmm! A fun day for sure!

I have to blaze past the week, 'cause I can't remember what we did aside from the normal routine! Oops!
Saturday morning brought a newborn photo shoot for me, but before Ty whisked the kids out of the house, I was able to do a few test shots for lighting on my sweet two...
I was surprised that Luke gave me a smile!

A bit blurry, but oh well!

I love them. So much. They just make my heart happy!

That one of Ellie reminded me that she had her 18 month birthday and check up this week! EIGHTEEN MONTHS. A year and a half. ((sniff, sniff)). I can hardly believe that it has already been that long! I hate it, actually. She is growing and changing SO fast! And while I LOVE her new stages, I loathe the thought that I will never again get to experience these precious baby months. It makes me incredibly sad thinking of that! I don't remember Luke's babyhood passing by at this unbearable speed! In fact, at times, it dragged on. Not the second time around though! You really do blink and then it's gone! BUT....the good side of those sad feelings I have is that they make me appreciate and cling to all the sweet, silly and irresistible moments I have with her! And boy are there so many!!!! She lights up my world! Oh how I love her!!!!
At her checkup, she weighed in at 22 lbs 15 oz (28th percentile) and was 32.25 inches (63rd percentile) so she's a lean bean. Tall-er and and on the thinner side. But she tends still to out eat her big brother, so I know its not for a lack of eating! She's just an active tike, that's for sure! Our doctor was pleased with her progress and with no real concerns, we were sent on our way after two, VERY unpleasant pokes for my sweet girl. She did NOT like that part one bit! But she was a trooper nonetheless!
That was our week in a nutshell. I am sure there will more to share in the week ahead...a little idea I'm kicking around, but am just not ready to share quite yet. Have a great start to the week!

1 comment:

Cindy Tomaszewski said...

your babies are so sweet and so photogenic. i wish i were closer so i could learn from you...i LOVE your photography.