Sunday, January 4, 2009

Quick recap

Just a quick recap of yesterday for now....its been a little crazy 'round here the last two days.

First, THANK YOU for all your sweet phone calls or emails (or comments on Facebook!) to wish Luke a happy birthday! I shared each one with him and his little face beamed each time I told him someone new had thought of him! Our day yesterday was great from the birthday standpoint! Luke was just delighted ALL day! I have a ton of pictures to go through and share, but those will just need to wait a day or two for now. I will do a thorough birthday post maybe tomorrow, k?

Part of the craziness from the yesterday was that I ended up having to take Ellie into urgent care after dinner last night because she had been having a high fever (103.7!) for most of the night and day, with really no other symptoms to speak of. We've all had this NASTY respiratory virus (which we ALL now have...still....even Ty!) but since Ellie was the first to get it nearly 2 1/2 weeks ago, I thought she was getting better, and that it wasn't the culprit of the fever. She only has a slight cough and slight congestion. Nothing, (in my mind) to warrant that high of a fever. So off we went to urgent care last night, which ended up taking nearly FIVE hours. :( We didn't get home to close to 11pm. But that paled in comparison to the crappiness of the doctor we saw! He was AWFUL! We STILL do not know the cause of her fever (the doctor said she had a "little redness in one ear and a little redness in her throat"...hmph) but during our stay at the urgent care, her fever rose to 104.2 (!!!) and stayed there even after a dose of tylenol! After a lot of waiting, a dose of tylenol and then motrin, a urine screen (which was negative) and an injection of rocephin, the fever came down to 101.5 and we were able to come home. :( My poor baby! She was so, so, SO hot!!!!! She officially gets the record for the highest fever either one of my kids have had! It was a terrible night! I felt so badly for her! She is a little better today, but the fever was still at 102.9 this morning when she got up. ???? We are totally confused as to what is brewing in her little body and am/was so mad at how the man who treated her last night handled things! (I could rage about that for awhile, but I won't. Suffice to say that it was BAD!) So at this point, we are watching her closely and plan to follow up with Dr. Mailander tomorrow. I just hate when my little ones are sick. :( Praying that she is better soon!

More tomorrow.....


Anonymous said...

Oh man! I'm sorry to hear about Ellie Belle! Hope the fever goes down soon! Glad Lukey had a great birthday despite the run to urgent care. Can't wait to see pics! love!

Anonymous said...

I hope your little Ellbelle feels better soon...Seems like everyone up here is sick...and it hangs on forever. Please give her a little hug for me. XOXO Jenny

Anonymous said...

I am sorry to hear that Ellie is so sick. I am thinking it could be Roseola...I know it is going around...Sara got it. High other symptoms then the fever breaks and then a rash appears. I hope that your Dr. will do a better job than the ER dr! I hope everyone gets better soon.

Cindy Tomaszewski said...

helena had the same exact thing 2 days before christmas---burning up without any other symptoms. wouldn't you know, christmas morning she woke up with a rash! hope ellie is feeling better!!!