Thursday, April 17, 2008

Second post for the day...

Whoot, whoot! Aren't I good? Just kidding. I'm just pretty impressed with myself that I was able to post twice in one day! :) Anyway, from the looks of my last post, it seemed as though I only have one child, so I thought I had better even the picture score and add these sweet pictures of Ellie that I took this morning. I'm going to toot my own horn here one more time and say that I actually snapped these (which are probably my most favorite of her to date) in a mere 10 minutes! She is so completely OPPOSITE of Luke when it comes to having her picture taken. She is incredibly cooperative and scrumptiously adorable. I just LOVE this child!!!! I LOVE them BOTH! If fact, that reminds me....Luke said something today that also will get chalked up as one of my most favorite things he's said to me....ever. But first, let me back up and tell you that quite often, out of the blue, I will ask Luke "Who do you think is Mommy's most favorite boy in the whole wide world?" and he always guesses right when he says proudly "ME!". Then I go on to ask him who he think is my most favorite little girl...then who is my most favorite hubba-hubba (which is Ty, of-course!) and so on. the lunch table today, out of the blue, Luke turns to me and asks "So Mommy...who do you think is my favorite girl?" Thinking that he might just say Ellie or Tess, I casually said "I don't know, bub. Who?" He cocked his head to the side then, smiled widely and pointed his index finger straight at my nose and said "YOU Mom! You're my favorite girl!" Oh how my heart went to mush in that moment!!!! I love my sweet boy! I hope I stay his favorite forever!!! (Or at-least until he gets married!) :)

Okay...back to those pictures I promised. Isn't she the prettiest thing you've ever seen!?!?

Waving hello to her blog fans!



Kelli said...

Adorable!! Both Luke's comments and Ellie's pictures!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful pictures of Ellie (and Luke too of course!). The white gauzy material is really cute. I'd love to have a picture of the top one of Ellie--either by email or if you're printing some up.
Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

She's BEAUTIFUL!!! I haven't seen your dad in sometime, but from what I remember she looks alot like grandpa! Of course I won't forget about Luke..such a handsome young man! XO Jenny