Sunday, April 20, 2008

Flying solo...

Ty is out of town for work this weekend, so I am 'flying solo' as I call it. I'm not sure why having the kids to myself on a weekend feels different from any other day during the week when they are with me by myself, but for whatever reason, it does. I miss him. Sunday mornings are just not the same when Ty isn't here to share it. There isn't anyone to commiserate with me about how dang early Luke wakes up or to roll my eyes at when we hear that dreaded sound of Luke's door opening and his little feet pattering down the hall at dawn. :) That child wakes so, so, SO early! This morning though, Ellie preceded him at 5:45 when she was fussing/playing in her bed. Argh. I have learned that this does NOT mean that she is ready to get up, but instead, she just needs a little nudge to get back to sleep, so I went in and moved her from the corner where she had wiggled herself and handed over the blessed binky. Blessed because it now does the trick! She takes it! Finally! It only took 8 months!

So anyway...Ellie went back to sleep and Luke was staring me in the face a short 15 minutes later. I made him crawl into bed with me "on Daddy's side" and rest awhile longer. He lasted a mere 20 minutes longer before I reluctantly went downstairs to turn on Playhouse Disney for him. Long gone are the days of sleeping past sunrise. ***sigh*** Someday, right Mom? Someday.

I'm not quite sure how we will spend the rest of our day today. Its cloudy and dreary out this morning and Ellie is still sleeping (it's 8:10) so it might just be a good day to lounge in our jammies for awhile. We hardly ever get to do that anymore. A chill day at home, I think. Ty's plane doesn't land until 5:30ish, so we should get to lay eyes on him about 6:30 or 7. We are ALL looking forward to that. Ta-ta for now, my friends.


Anonymous said...

The weekend is the time you look forward to spending time together as a family so I definitely understand why it feels different. It is nice to have the company. Your rose is BEAUTIFUL!!

I can't wait to see you in less than a month - Yeah!

Anonymous said...

Yep, someday you will get to sleep later! Believe it or not, I used to be up at 6AM every day when you were a baby in Colorado. But each stage has its good points and bad, and as I'm sure you know, you have to just treasure each phase! You will undoubtedly look upon the current phase as one of the best!!
Love, Mom