Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Its just not gonna happen....

...getting Christmas cards out this year, I mean. That is such a bummer to me too, especially since my pictures are such an important part 'me', but there just isn't enough time or energy left this season for me to get them done on time. Are Happy Easter cards appropriate??? teeheehee. Oh well. So those of you who are expecting a cute little card from the McLaughlin's this year, please don't be disappointed when you don't receive one or think that you have been forgotten. You certainly have not been. Just chalk it all up to a mommy who feels a little overwhelmed at Christmas-time. that that is out of the way...something exciting happened this week for us. (Exciting for me, anyway!) Ellie finally rolled over from her tummy to her back a few ago! I had placed her in position for some much needed tummy time the other morning, and went about my business of getting Luke some breakfast. When a few minutes had passed and she was still not fussing to be done, I returned to check on her and found her tummy up! :) I was so surprised that I raced for the video camera and hoped for a replay. Ellie, however, had something else in mind and decided her one 'trick' was enough for one day. She has yet to repeat the feat, but I'm keeping a watchful eye on her now!

As for our weekend of flying solo while daddy was gone in Vegas...all went surprisingly well! The kids were so well behaved and mellow. It was actually quite a pleasant weekend. I was able to finish up all our holiday cookie baking one night after the kids went to sleep (that is, until I learned yesterday that we are hosting Christmas dinner here and I now need to make more cookies for our guests!) and Ty seemed to have a great time with his buddies. All in all, it was definitely not as tough as I thought it might be.

My biggest challenge right now is just getting all my ducks in a row for this holiday season. For some reason, I am feeling constantly behind this year....even when I look at the calendar and see that I still have 12 more days left until Christmas. I guess I'm not really doing that bad...all of our Christmas gifts are purchased (minus a couple of little things that Ty and I want to pick up for our kids...but we have a 'date' at Toys R Us planned on Friday to finish that up!), the house is decorated and my baking is nearly done. I still need to wrap gifts, figure out plans for dinner here Christmas day and then of-course just clean and such. But I think the thing that has me most stressed is actually Luke's birthday. Its just TEN short days after Christmas and this year we are planning a little party for him, since we had just moved in last year and weren't able to do much. So, now that he is old enough to appreciate it, we will be throwing him a little bash here at home. I shopped yesterday for his invitations and party goods...he chose Thomas the Train this year, and whoa! that boy is EXCITED about it!! He keeps talking about his party and mixing his birthday up with Jesus' on Christmas day. teeheehee. We've been teaching him why we celebrate Christmas and telling him all about it being Jesus' birthday and now when we asked him who's birthday it is on Christmas, he says "Mine!". Not quite, buddy. We'll continue to work on that one! But he's getting a grip on the idea. All in time. littlest one is starting to stir in bed, so I must end my blogging for now. My post feels a bit disjointed, but oh well. Hope you guys are having a great week!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Please don't worry about not sending Christmas cards. It is just nice to stay in touch all year round anyway! We will get a couple of pics of the kids on the blog site though, right? Just teasin'. I totally understand the feeling overwhelmed by Christmas. I had sort of a alittle melt down to Neal the other day asking for his help more because this is such a stressful time of year. Work on what you need to, and only do as much as you are comfortable with. It doesn't have to be so overwhelming, does it? I think I'm asking myself that same question! Take Care.