Saturday, December 22, 2007

Christmas wishes....

Since I wasn't able to carve out the time to send a traditional Christmas card to all of you who mean so much to us, I decided to post our holiday greetings here...which I will do in just a couple of minutes. Ellie and I had some time alone the other day when Luke spent the morning at Meemaw's house, so I took FULL advantage of the quiet time and did her four month photo shoot. It's tough to get pictures done with Luke around, as he doesn't like it much when Ellie is the center of my attention...understandably so. And its even tougher to get Luke to be involved when I'd like him to be in the pictures. He nearly flat out refuses now, which is why our Christmas greetings are just of Ellie. :(

I highly doubt, with all the hustle and bustle of the next few days, that I will be able to get online to post again. There are birthday parties to attend, a house to clean, presents to wrap (yes...STILL!) and a bit more baking to do. And to top it all off, I have come down with a terrible sore throat and body aches. Argh! Why do these illnesses always come during the holidays???? We were all sick for Thanksgiving too! But so far, I am the only one affected. I'm sure Ellie will have it soon though, as I am always touching and kissing on her and was doing so before I knew I was ill. :( And poor Ty....I pray he doesn't get this round...he is STILL working on getting over our Thanksgiving bug. Yes....STILL! He has been sick for weeks and weeks....just finally went to the doctor a few days ago for some antibiotics and is starting to sound like himself again. Phew!

Anyhoo....I hope that you all have a beautiful Christmas with your loved ones close! I am very much looking forward to this Christmas morning and seeing Luke's face as he opens his gifts! He has really taken to the idea of Christmas this year. It has taken on a magic that makes my heart swell! :) And the most delightful part for me is that he understands that Christmas is first and foremost about Jesus and secondly about Santa. We talk about both. Santa is essentially Jesus' helper....helping to spread Jesus' joy, love and grace. So....from our home to yours, may you all hold the true meaning of Christmas close this holiday season and may your year to come be full of His blessings!

Sending love to each of you....



Anonymous said...

Awww...what cuteee pics. of Ellie!! So sorry to hear that your not feeling well. :( I will pray that you and Ty feel better and do not spread your bugs. Wishing you a very merry Christmas and holiday season...and many, many more to come!! :-)

Love to all of you!

Anonymous said...

Now those are just too stinkin' cute!!!

Merry Christmas!


Anonymous said...

OMG...I love those pictures. You have such a gift Kris! Merry Christmas to you and your entire family. XOXO Jenny

Diana McFarlane said...

Wow, those Christmas pictures of Ellie are precious! I'm so impressed by your talents! Have a warm and wonderful Christmas & good luck with Luke's 3rd birthday party! Can you believe it?