Sunday, August 19, 2007

We are home!

Welcome to the world, Ellie Paige!!! I'm sure that by now, most of you have seen her little announcement email, but just because I love the picture so much, I'm going to post it again!
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

I still cannot believe that she is actually here! Even as I sit here typing and gazing down at her all bundled next to me! It's surreal! The last few days have been a whirlwind, but incredibly wonderful too! We didn't have internet access in the hospital, so we weren't able to update you all like I had hoped. Not that we had a ton of time or energy to do so, but the thought was nice! :) Actually, this whole c-section/ hospital experience, from beginning to end was really great....MUCH easier, pleasant and calm than ALL aspects! The c-section itself went smoothly and uneventfully. We arrived at the hospital on time Thursday morning, but our room wasn't ready for a little while, so Ty and I waited in the waiting room. I was a bit irritated by that, since I just wanted to get things moving, but they apparently had an emergency c-section earlier that morning and my room still needed to be cleaned. Once we got in though, I felt calm and at ease. That is, until the anesthesiologist came in to do meet me just a few minutes prior to surgery. That's when the butterflies started fluttering around in my belly and I felt some waves of anxiety. But things moved rapidly from there, and before I knew it, I was hunched over in the OR, receiving my spinal block. Ty was brought into the room a few moments later (he was able to be present for that part of Luke's delivery, but hospital policy has changed since, so I had to go it alone this time.) Once the spinal took full effect and Ty was there beside me, it was a just a few moments until Dr. Hage began his work and Ellie was born. We had the awesome benefit of being able to photograph the entire surgery (no video....that isn't allowed) but Ty snapped many, many photos of her actual birth. It is AMAZING to see!!!! I looked back at them just a few minutes ago and we actually have one of her head emerging from my belly, while her body is still inside!! There are many others as equally awe-provoking and miraculous! And since I couldn't actually WATCH her birth, these pictures are the next best thing for me. And no....I don't mind seeing the blood. I think it's all awesome! (I won't share those online though, simply because I don't think you all are as inclined to see that sort of thing as I am!)

She began crying even before she was fully out of my belly and what a glorious sound that was! She has strong lungs, for sure....although she rarely has chosen to use them...she's a quiet, content baby so far! After her birth, she was whisked off to the nursery to be cleaned up and weighed and I met her again in recovery. The rest of Thursday was spent visiting with family and introducing them to Ellie. Luke has done great with her! He was a bit unsure about touching her that first day, but has since taken a liking to cradling her on his lap and stroking her head ever so gently. He asked multiple times a day to "hold my baby sister" and we willingly oblige. He loves her so much already! Just as we do!

Overall, things are going very smoothly for us. Our arrival home yesterday afternoon was a bit stressful, just because the transition was a little busy, but things have since taken on a nice, calm, easy routine. Ellie is sleeping incredibly well....I have to wake her to eat and we literally did not hear one peep out of her ALL night! I of-course, woke her every two hours or so to nurse and she cried when I had to change her little diaper, but other than that, we slept soundly in between! She is eating well today and seems to be taking well to nursing, although I am admittedly wishing she would eat MORE. My milk came in with full force yesterday and to be blunt, my chest looks like something off the cover of an x-rated video, if you know what I mean! LOL! For someone who is normally very 'small' I am well-endowed and painfully so right now! It's actually comical how they look right now! Ty and I had a good laugh about it last night when I made him take a few pictures just to log what they looked like. (Don't worry...I won't be sharing those either!) :)

As for my own healing, I'm doing well. Like I said before, this has all been much easier the second time around and the pain doesn't seem as intense, but I am still in considerable discomfort. The afternoons seem to be the worst. But I'm managing rather well...resting a lot and taking it easy. Ellie is making that easy for me to do, since she is so mellow! And Ty's been absolutely incredible through all this! He's been there, anticipating every need and helping me so much! Even the nurses in the hospital were amazed at how intuitive, caring and on top of things he was! I can't tell you enough how great he is! I am so, so lucky to have such a wonderful husband! And Anne-Marie, if you are reading, you are right....I am watching my rock of a husband turn to Daddy-mush as he loves on his new baby girl! :) It's precious and wonderful to watch! And I fall in love with him and my children more and more with each day!

So....although it's been a bit of a whirwind, the last four days have been great! We are adjusting well and just soaking in all the changes. We certainly feel immensely blessed to have this new baby girl! She is a gift from God!

I am off for now to feed this little one and to rest. I have a TON of pictures to share with you, but just have not had the chance to upload them all just yet. I think that I will probably put together a little photo album online or a slide show instead of posting just a few, so check back for that in a couple of days! Our thanks go out to all of you for faithfully praying for us and checking in to see how we are! We feel surrounded in your love and prayers! It is because of all those prayers that we are where we are home with a term, healthy baby girl...making a smooth, seamless transition from three to four! :)


laura said...

Kristen and Family,

I just got home from San Diego and was amazed to see you have already updated your blog. I tried to call and check on you at the hospital but was told you were beiing moved to your OB room. Tried again during a lunch break and was cut off during transfer. I did talk to one of the nurses and was told you were doing wonderfully and that everything went very well. She is BEAUTIFUL!!! Again I'm so glad things went well this time. Also glad Luke is adjusting well so far, that must be a big relief for you and Ty. Sounds like you are a little engorged. I will call in the morning to see how you are doing. Hang in there, the engorgment usually only lasts a day or so if treated correctly.
I will call you tomorrow..

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the world Ellie! Can't wait to meet you!!

Kelli, Rob and Brayden

Anonymous said...

She's BEAUTIFUL!!!! Congrats! XOXO Jenny