Friday, August 22, 2008

Meet the Teacher Day!

Today was the day Luke got to visit his new preschool classroom and his new teacher! His 'official' first day is this coming Tuesday! We have been gearing him up for this big day for some time now, and while I know that Luke felt a bit of trepidation in going today, he was also very, very excited! We have been by the school a couple of times now to pick up paperwork and what have you, so he has already gotten a sneak peak at what fun things are there! Today, he could hardly wait to get out to the 'giant sandbox' and dig awhile!

We picked up his folder of paperwork yesterday and learned that he will be in the Green class and his teacher will be Mrs. McCann. Last night, as I tucked him into bed, I asked him if he remembered his teacher's name, and I busted into roars of laughter when he sheepishly looked at me and said, "Mrs. Nizbit!" (For those of you who have watched Toy Story a zillion and one times like we have, you know that in one part of the movie, Buzz gets 'kidnapped' over to the neighbors house and ends up being forced to play tea party with the little girl there. She names Buzz "Mrs. Nizbit"!) I laughed so hard at his out-of-the-blue response that we were 15 minutes late getting to bed! He just cracked me up! He accurately recalled Mrs. McCann's name this morning, but I think we might just keep her 'special' name as a silly little secret joke between us! LOL!

Luke did great upon meeting his teacher! He was a bit shy and nervous for a few minutes, but once he saw all the cool things in his room, he quickly got busy playing and was comfortable! So much so that I actually had to bribe him to go when it was time to leave! (oh! did I say bribe?? encouraged! LOL!) He instantly gravitated towards to markers and paper when we arrived, and was happy to sit and draw Mrs. McCann a picture of himself at the table. She expressed to me how impressed she was with his ability to draw people and write letters (only an L & U), given his age. Of-course, being his mom, I am proud of and impressed by him too, but not in the sense that I think he's 'advanced' for his age, like she alluded to. Maybe she was just trying to make me feel good! :) LOL! He quickly made friends with a boy named Aiden after that and they seemed to instantly gravitate toward one another. In no time, they were building train tracks with the blocks and racing their cars on them together!

The school is everything (and more!) than I hoped it would be! Very play-focused, with the philosophy being that kids will learn best through their natural 'work' of play. They do, of-course, do academic things like learning reading, letter recognition, learning the calendar, seasons, days of the week, etc, but it is mostly through the medium of play. I LOVE that! Very appropriate for 3 year olds! The atmosphere is so warm and inviting can just feel it as you enter. They are Christian-based too, which I am also very happy about! They'll even get to go to chapel once a week!

All in all, it was a great 'getting to know you' morning! Luke is SUPER excited to go back on Tuesday! And I am excited for him! (And, to be honest, for myself too! Three hours twice a week with just Ellie and I will be special for us too!) This will be a grand adventure for him! As we pulled away from the school, Luke remarked "So, class didn't look green to me. " I giggled. I guess in his three-year-old, concrete mind, the idea of him being in the green class was taken literally! :) Cute, cute!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am glad to hear that you all are doing well. :) Wow.. I can't believe Luke is starting pre school! How crazy is that!?
Love to all of you always!