Thursday, April 17, 2008

Busy bees

It has been a busy, busy week or two for us! Seems like each and every day is full and I am always astonished when 5pm arrives because the days has rushed by so quickly! What has been keeping us so busy you ask? With me, it has been a sudden burst of photography stuff. Spring has definitely sprung in that arena and I've been doing or booking photo shoot after photo shoot. It is good, but very scary for me at the same time. I'm definitely been pushed outside my 'comfort zone' with regards to this little 'business' of mine, which is forcing me to grow and learn a lot in a very short period of time. And change like this is always a little unnerving for me. I like 'stable and predictable' a whole lot more than chaotic and spontaneous...surprise, surprise! :) I'm managing to grow here too. Slowly. The biggest obstacle? To find an acceptable balance between my photography work and my priorities as a wife and mom. (Isn't that all of our dilemas as moms though?! Balancing our roles.) My family and responsibilities to them will ALWAYS come first, so I've been squeezing in time to work on my shoots during short nap times and late at night or in the wee hours before dawn. It makes for some busy (and long!) days for me. I hope I am able to work out a better balance soon!

As for the rest of the family, we've been piling in plenty of 'good stuff' lately too. On Sunday, we spent the vast majority of the day outside, planting vegetables, strawberries and herbs in our little barrels that will be our garden this year. With the new yard put in, we opted to garden in containers rather than leaving lots of open space for veggies in our planter beds. We did plant some lettuce and cucumber under our Alder trees (which are babies themselves!) and those are the only things in the ground though. Luke helped us plant bell peppers, chili peppers, strawberries, broccoli, basil and chives in the pots. Here are a few pics. It was such a beautiful day on Sunday too...perfect gardening weather! We laid a blanket out on the grass with some toys for Ellie and we ALL enjoyed the great weather! Every day since we planted, Luke has been so excited about watering the little plants and even talks sweetly to them as he does it. "Here ya go, little planty. Have a drink of ya go!". sweet he is!! Warms my heart!

Another kinda silly thing...over the weekend we finally started a 'measuring wall' for the kids heights. Heidi, you'll appreciate this! When I was a kid, Heidi's mom always kept track of the kids heights on the inside wall of Heidi's brother's closet. Since I was always over at their house with Heidi, I invariably had my height recorded on the wall too, and it was something that I always loved. I've always wanted to continue this little tradition with my own kids and on Saturday, we finally chose a spot and measured the tikes. It was fun! And Luke loved helping Daddy mark the wall to see how tall he was! Ours isn't in the closet though..its in the laundry room! :) I am excited to have this as our special spot to see how fast they grow, which indeed they do.

Speaking of growing....can you believe that Ellie turned EIGHT months yesterday?! She has been so much fun lately! Her little personality is bursting through more and more each day! She loves her brother so much and will watch him in fascination as he plays nearby. He adores her too and will often be found right up in her face, laughing hysterically to make her smile. My favorite thing is to see them giggling together! But take a toy away from her and you'll have another thing coming! That girl can SCREAM! And she'll definitely tell you when she doesn't want you to do something! She has an opinion now and she's perfectly comfortable sharing it! LOL! Her hair is starting to grow (yay!) and she is cutting her third tooth this week too ...she is looking less and less like a 'baby' these days. She babbles at me constantly, working out those consonants and of-course my favorite is "ma-ma-ma-ma." :) She is proficiently signing "All done" now too and lights up when she realizes that I know what she is trying to say! Everyone is asking if she is crawling yet....and my answer is always "oh please...not yet!" She gets herself from a seated position to her tummy pretty easily and scoots like an inchworm on her tummy to get a toy, but she can't go far yet. I've seen her attempting to get onto her knees a couple of times, but still to no avail. I know crawling isn't far off though!

And the last big news (big for us!) happened on Monday morning when Luke woke up from sleep DRY for the first time! He's been potty trained (days and naps) since well before Ellie was born, but never at night. We've never pushed that part with him, as we know nighttime dryness is tough! But I purchased a special Cars toy several months ago as an 'incentive' for him. He knew I kept it up on the shelf in the office, and for a long time, he didn't ask about it. But lately, he would wake in the morning and tell me that he stayed dry and ask if he would have it. He was always wet though, and I would tell him the same thing each time he would ask..."when you stay dry ALL night long, then you can have the special car toy." He began assuring me before bedtimes that he was gonna stay dry "I'm gonna stay dry, Momma and get that car thing that goes round and round!" And voila! On Monday morning, wouldn't ya know that he DID IT! I was so, so, so proud of him! He hasn't done it again since, but at-least I know he can do it! Here is a quick (and not so great) picture of him getting his surprise....he was THRILLED!

These last two pictures are from a little trip we took up to Oak Glen last week in preparation for a photo shoot...had to scope out a prospective site (thank, Sarah, for the tip!) I just thought this shot of him completely cracking up was precious...
...I wish I had more time to 'photoshop' it the way I want to. Maybe later.
...and then, being all boy...he just HAD to have a stick!

I know I'm missing some pictures of Ellie. I haven't forgotten her. I just don't have a good recent ones of her. I'll snap some 8 month pics today and try to post one or two soon. For now though, I hear her stirring from sleep, so it's time for me to get going. More to come....

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