Thursday, January 31, 2008

Well-baby checkup

Ellie had her 4 month well-baby check up yesterday....only a month and a half late due to our stupid new insurance and having to switch pediatricians at the last minute. Grrrr! Did I ever tell you how much I hate insurance companies????


She is acutally 5 1/2 months old right now, and at her visit she weighed in at a mere 13 lbs 6 oz....only 25th % for her age. She was in the 50th at her last visit. :( You wouldn't know it though my her chubby little cheeks and thighs!!! In fact, all around....height, weight and head circ. , she was in the 25th percentile, which lead Dr. Zaft to feel as through she is just fine and not having weight-gain issues. I, of-course, being the weight-nazi that I am from having Luke AND considering all the struggles I had breastfeeding him, still feel a bit concerned about the possibility that I'm not producing enough milk for her, but I'm trying to keep those feelings under wraps. I am sure she is just fine, and if the pediatrician isn't concerned, then I guess I shouldn't be either. Right?? We had planned to start solids soon anyway (we were waiting until she is 6 months), but we'll be introducing them for the first time over the weekend probably. I've already got the breastmilk thawing in the fridge and the oatmeal in the pantry so that I'm ready to go when I gear up enough for this new chapter. Someone asked me yesterday if I was excited for her to start solids, and I'd have to say that I'm not, really. Yes, I'm excited that she is growing and doing well, but honestly, starting solids is just one more step away from infancy and one step closer to toddlerhood. :( Her first year is nearly half over and I just desperately want to press pause on the recorder of life. Starting solids means she's growing up. Will I always feel like this??? Every step of the way???? Its just like that song 'Don't Blink' by Kenny Chesney's the link to the lyrics if you haven't heard the song...
Will every new milestone leave this bittersweet feeling etched on my heart????

Back to the visit.....
We caught her up on her immunizations, since the pedi-switcherooo left her a bit behind. Luke was soooo sweet while she got her 'pokies' too. He leaned in close to her (I had her craddled in my arms) and talked sweetly to her, telling her "Its otay, Baby Dirl. It will feel bedder real twit (read quick)". He was so close to her infact, that the nurse actually had to ask him to back up just a little. He was intent on being right there next to her. Kinda cute. She's been super fussy and sleepy today from the shots, so I'm hoping tomorrow is a better day. She was not a happy camper today!

Well, friends...its late and I'm zonked! But before I go, I'll just leave you with a couple of cute pics of the loves of my life. I snapped these over the weekend. Aren't they adorable???? All three of 'em!! :)




Anonymous said...

Oh my gracious... this is the first time that I see your DAD so clearly in Ellie. Is it just me??? Or is it that Mama looks like her dad and she really looks like MAMA? Its late. Hope that made sense. ;)

Anonymous said...

I haven't been to your page in a while and it just warms my heart everytime I do visit. I know we don't talk but just reading this turns my bad day good. Thank you! BTW, I hate insurance companies too. On the days I don't see patients I spend the ENTIRE day on the phone doing paperwork/authorizations for procedures and I tell you what...slitting my wrist would be funner. (just kidding) but that is how much they drive me crazy. You have a beautiful family and I just love catching up with you via your blog. Thanks again! XO Jenny

Anonymous said...

Wonderful pictures!!!!! And when I look at Ellie in the last picture, she really has a "Jim Thorp expression" on her face and looks so much like him. And I usually think she looks like you as a baby. I know---you should look like your dad, but you're the only one who looks more like me.
Love, Mom